
【Amblyopia Training】How can parents detect their children's amblyopia problems at an early stage?

How to detect a child's amblyopia at an early stage is crucial for the treatment of amblyopia. In fact, the main task of early childhood amblyopia prevention is on parents, how to find children's amblyopia as soon as possible, parents should pay special attention.

【Amblyopia Training】How can parents detect their children's amblyopia problems at an early stage?

What is amblyopia

During visual development, the optimal corrected vision of one or both eyes due to abnormal vision such as monocular strabismus, refractive error, high refractive error, and shape deprivation is lower than that of normal children of the corresponding age, and there are no organic lesions in the eye examination, which is called amblyopia.

【Amblyopia Training】How can parents detect their children's amblyopia problems at an early stage?

Amblyopia is an eye disease that seriously endangers children's visual function, if not treated in time, it can cause exacerbation of amblyopia, and it will not be able to have binocular visual function

The dangers of amblyopia in children

1. Affect the normal development of the eye: Amblyopia is more common in life, and many children have amblyopia due to premature birth, heredity, strabismus, refractive error, etc. Amblyopia is not corrected and treated to affect the normal development of the eye.

2, the lack of stereoscopic vision: amblyopia has a greater impact on life and learning, especially children, if amblyopia is found, parents must bring its timely treatment. Amblyopia can cause binocular visual dysfunction and lack of stereoscopic vision.

3. Inability to judge the orientation: the harm of amblyopia is far greater than that of myopia. Simple myopia, blurred to see far, see close and clear. Children with amblyopia, seeing far and blurry, seeing close is not clear, and because of poor stereoscopic vision, they cannot accurately judge the orientation and distance of the object.

4. Multi-party function damage: Amblyopia will lead to multi-party damage to the visual function of the eye, such as adjustment, scanning ability, tracking ability, spatial discrimination ability, contrast sensitivity and hand-eye coordination ability and other important visual functions are damaged.

【Amblyopia Training】How can parents detect their children's amblyopia problems at an early stage?

The optimal age for the treatment of amblyopia

Human vision develops most rapidly in the earlyst stages of life and is most sensitive to external stimuli. 3-6 years old, is regarded as a period of rapid development, during which timely detection and treatment of amblyopia, the effect is more obvious, is the best age for the treatment of amblyopia. As we age, the rate of visual development becomes slower. It is traditionally believed that the visual plasticity period is before the age of 12, beyond which visual development gradually stops, and the treatment of amblyopia is more difficult in the age of 12 years.

【Amblyopia Training】How can parents detect their children's amblyopia problems at an early stage?

Daily manifestations of amblyopia in children

1) Photophobia: Children with amblyopia are usually afraid of light and are irritable when they see light.

2) Nystagmus: abnormal swing of the eyes, such amblyopia usually has poor vision. At the same time, it may be accompanied by strabismus: one eye occasionally or frequently deflects inward or outward.

3) Poor posture: Every time you need to use your eyes, the head will appear to be deflected to a certain side, tilted, or the chin is depressed and raised. This is because you can't see clearly, and you unconsciously change your asana position to find a clear angle.

4) Poor eye-hand coordination, easy to collide or fall.

5) Reading words will be reversed or inverted, and reading often reads the wrong line.

6) Visual squinting.

7) Looking at things too closely: when reading, writing, and looking at a distance, because you can't see clearly, you often look closely.

8) Check your child's vision regularly after purchasing a standard eye chart at home, and if the vision of one eye or both eyes is lower than the normal value of the same age group many times, then do further examination.

【Amblyopia Training】How can parents detect their children's amblyopia problems at an early stage?

Once parents find that their children have the above conditions, they should go to a professional vision agency for examination in time. Once diagnosed, parents must carry out corresponding treatment in accordance with the doctor's requirements, such as wearing glasses, covering, training for amblyopia, etc., and follow the doctor's instructions to review the treatment plan on schedule, and adjust the treatment plan according to the child's situation.

The treatment of amblyopia is expensive in a "perseverance" that requires long-term persistence. After finding amblyopia, parents and children should actively cooperate with treatment, but the rehabilitation of amblyopia often takes a long time, and regular re-examination is still required after rehabilitation to prevent recurrence.

【Amblyopia Training】How can parents detect their children's amblyopia problems at an early stage?

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