
New Energy Daily | "exaggerated mileage" Tesla was fined in South Korea Ideal Auto CTO was exposed to leave

Whale Platform February 17 morning news

New Energy Daily | "exaggerated mileage" Tesla was fined in South Korea Ideal Auto CTO was exposed to leave

CATL responded to investors' questions: copper and aluminum can be greatly reduced through new technologies

On the evening of February 15, CATL Times, a leading global power battery company, issued an announcement disclosing that on February 14, Chairman Zeng Yuqun, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Deputy General Manager Jiang Li, and Financial Director Zheng Shu accepted a survey of 50 investors including Hillhouse Capital, Hongshang Capital, Tencent Investment, Temasek, Sequoia Capital, etc. Investor question: Lithium shortage for a while and a half will not be solved, resource development needs a cycle, copper, aluminum is also rising prices, during this period how to deal with the company? Although the company has some long-term supply, but the entire industry bears the price increase, is there any concern about sales? CATL said that the short-term cost of raw materials such as lithium carbonate has a certain impact on the company and can be hedged in a variety of ways; copper and aluminum can be greatly reduced through new technologies. The power exchange mode allows consumers to achieve a lower cost of first purchase than fuel vehicles, while enjoying electrification, intelligence and power exchange convenience.

"Exaggerated mileage" Tesla was fined in South Korea

Global Times news, according to Yonhap News Agency reported on the 14th, the Korean Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) ruled that the US electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla exaggerated the battery performance of electric vehicles sold in South Korea, and KFTC has launched a penalty procedure for this matter. The Global Times reporter contacted Tesla on the 15th about the above report, but did not receive a reply as of press time. The false publicity that the KFTC believes mainly refers to Tesla's description of the vehicle's range. KFTC said that Tesla's flagship models, including the Model 3, will have a reduced battery life when driving in sub-zero temperatures, which are not noted on the official website and in advertisements.

Only 17 months after joining the company, CTO Wang Kai was exposed to leave, Ideal Auto: "No comment"

According to 36Kr, Wang Kai, CTO of Ideal Automobile, will leave his job in the near future, and the specific direction has not been disclosed. It is also ideal car since its inception, leaving the highest level of management, whose tenure is only 17 months. After Wang Kai's departure, the business under his jurisdiction will be taken over by Ma Donghui, co-founder and chief engineer of Ideal Automobile. In response to whether CTO Wang Kai has left his job, the ideal car replied to the interface news reporter: "No comment on this information."

Australian lithium miners receive large purchase orders from Tesla The flagship project has another 1/3 production booked

On February 16, Australian lithium miner Liontown Resources Ltd issued a statement saying that it had signed a five-year, legally binding sales and procurement (preliminary) agreement with electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla. Tesla will purchase 100,000 dry tons (DMT, weight after moisture) from Liontown in the first year of the agreement (2024) and increase it to 150,000 dry tons per year in subsequent years, the statement shows. Previously, Liontown signed an agreement with LG Energy Solutions (LGES) for the same amount of purchases. This means that if Tesla and Liontown reach a final agreement, Tesla and LGES will each contract 1/3 of their production before the Kathleen Valley project starts.

Zhanxin Electronics completed the strategic financing of Xiaopeng Automobile

Zhanxin Electronics announced the completion of a strategic financing exclusively invested by Xiaopeng Motors. This financing will continue to be used for market development, supplement R&D and operating funds of Junxin Electronics, and continue to introduce outstanding talents. In October last year, Zhanxin Electronics completed a multi-hundreds of millions of yuan A++ round of financing led by Lightspeed China. Junxin Electronics is a high-tech company focusing on the field of silicon carbide power semiconductors, founded in 2017 in Lingang, Shanghai.

Tess alliance and Hikvision signed a strategic agreement to jointly create a new paradigm of green and low-carbon solutions

Securities Times news, on February 15, Tessell and Hikvision signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Hangzhou. The two sides agreed to continue to promote dual-carbon technologies, products and solutions through co-creation of solutions and the establishment of joint laboratories, effectively implement in the field of low-carbon AI parks, low-carbon AI communities, and low-carbon AI buildings, and pay attention to the needs of key emerging markets such as city-level dual-carbon brains and energy brains, and accelerate the high-quality achievement of urban dual-carbon goals.

BYD responded to a DM-i fire: no casualties and no burning batteries

Surging news, in response to the previous day's Zhongshan vehicle fire in Guangdong, on February 14, BYD responded that the accident did not cause casualties, the battery did not burn during the process, and the specific reasons need to be further investigated. In addition, in response to the news that the accident "caused the death of the driver and the death of the people in the car" on the Internet, BYD said that it would report to the police for the serial cutting of the video and the misleading malicious association.

Yuntianhua: Signed a cooperation agreement with Enjie Co., Ltd. and Yiwei Lithium Energy for the whole industry chain of new energy batteries

On February 16, Yunnan Yuntianhua Co., Ltd. signed the "New Energy Battery Whole Industry Chain Project Cooperation Agreement" with the People's Government of Yuxi City, Yunnan Enjie New Materials Co., Ltd., Huizhou Yiwei Lithium Energy Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Huayou Holding Group Co., Ltd. in Kunming, Yunnan Province, stipulating that the parties will jointly establish two joint venture companies in Yuxi City, and after obtaining prospecting and mining rights in accordance with laws and regulations through the joint venture company, jointly mine mineral resources, conduct mineral deep processing, joint research and development, Production and sales of new energy batteries and new energy battery upstream and downstream materials. It is understood that the project plans to invest in three phases, and the first phase of the project has a commitment of about 18.05 billion yuan, which will be completed before December 31, 2023. The second phase of the project is committed to investing about 33.65 billion yuan, which will be completed by December 31, 2025. The third phase of the project is planned to be completed by 2030.

TBEA: Signed a framework agreement on investment in 1GW of photovoltaic power generation and supporting projects

TBEA announced that the holding company TBEA Xinjiang New Energy Co., Ltd. signed the "Investment Framework Agreement" with the Hongdong County People's Government and Huaxiang Shares to invest in the construction of a 1GW photovoltaic power generation project in Hongdong County, supporting the photovoltaic bracket production project, with a total investment of 4.3 billion yuan; of which the investment in 1GW photovoltaic power station was 4 billion yuan.

Entering a new field The first clean energy public offering of REITs was accepted

On February 17, the Financial Associated Press reported that infrastructure REITs have expanded new varieties. Recently, Penghua Shenzhen Energy Clean Energy Closed Infrastructure Securities Investment Fund was officially accepted by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, marking the expansion of infrastructure REITs to the field of clean energy.

The latest hot spots of new energy and the reference of reporters are all in the whale platform new energy morning newspaper

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