
In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

author:Cong Cong eats light

Spring is the season of the growth of all things, but also the golden period of children's growth, many parents only know to drink milk for their children to supplement calcium, in fact, the calcium content of milk is limited, the following recommended 8 kinds of soup, high calcium content, every day to change the pattern to the child to drink.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1. Pork ribs kelp soup

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

【Ingredients required】Dried kelp, pork ribs, corn, salt, pepper

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1: Put the dried kelp in water and wash it twice, then soak until the kelp becomes soft.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2: Cut the soaked kelp into strips and set aside.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3, wash the corn, evenly divided into five or six sections can be.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4, put the ribs into the water to blanch, the ribs are best under the cold water pot, so as to ensure that the meat is soft and tender.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5, put oil in the wok, add green onion and ginger slices to fry, this can increase the aroma of the soup, but also to fishy.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

6, put the blanched ribs into the pot and fry, the oil temperature should be higher, so that the surface of the ribs can be slightly fried, and the stewed soup will become milky white.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

7: Pour the meat and soup together into a casserole dish and bring to a boil over high heat.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

8: After the soup is boiled, add the chopped corn, bring the water to a boil again, then cover the casserole lid and simmer for about 2 hours on low heat.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

9: Finally, add the foamed kelp. Cook for another 10 minutes or so, then add salt and white pepper before the pot comes out, and a bowl of nutritious kelp pork rib corn soup is ready.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2. Beef and tofu soup

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

【Ingredients】 Beef, tofu, seafood mushrooms, eggs, green onions, coriander, salt, pepper, starch, cooking wine, soy sauce

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1: Cut the beef into small cubes, then add starch, cooking wine and light soy sauce to marinate.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2: Cut the tofu into small cubes, wash and dice the seafood mushrooms, and chop the green onion and parsley for later.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3: Heat oil in a pot, add green onions and stir-fry until the marinated beef cubes change color.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4, after the beef is fried, put in the chopped seafood mushrooms, seafood mushrooms taste very delicious, you can also use shiitake mushrooms instead of seafood mushrooms.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5: After the seafood mushrooms are soft, add water and bring to a boil over high heat.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

6: After the soup boils, add diced tofu, then prepare half a bowl of water starch, slowly pour into the pot, stir while pouring, let the soup thicken.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

7, add water starch to beef and tofu just can float up, then put in salt, and finally beat the eggs, slowly pour in, while pouring in while stirring, into the egg flower can be. Finally, add the appropriate amount of green onion and chopped coriander, sprinkle with some white pepper, and you can get out of the pot.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3. Poached egg radish soup

【Ingredients】Radish, egg, shrimp skin, shallots, coriander, pepper, salt, chicken essence

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1: After washing the radish, cut into thin strips, cut the green onion into green onions and set aside.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2: Pour oil into a frying pan, beat in two eggs, fry until the bottom surface is set, then turn over and fry the other side until both sides are golden brown.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3, leave the bottom oil in the pot, put in the green onion and shrimp skin to fry out the aroma, wait until the oil is hot, pour the radish shreds into the pot, stir-fry on high heat, this step can use the high temperature to fry the radish, and let the radish absorb the taste of shrimp skin, green onion, fry until the radish becomes soft.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4, after putting in the fried eggs, add the soup without shredded radish, boil on high heat and then turn to medium heat to simmer for about 15 minutes, cook until the radish is soft and rotten, the soup is thick and white, add salt, chicken essence and pepper, you can put it out.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5: Finally, add an appropriate amount of chopped parsley to the bowl while it is hot. Delicious poached egg radish soup is ready.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4. Wakame tofu soup

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

【Ingredients】Tofu, wakame, egg, dried shrimp, shallots, salt, pepper, oil

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1: Cut the tofu into pieces, soak the wakame in water, cut into thin strips and set aside.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2: Pour oil into a pan and sauté the green onion and dried shrimp until fragrant.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3, put the wakame into the pot, stir-fry, fried with oil wakame, will reduce the fishy taste, stew soup more delicious.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4: Add a certain amount of water, then bring the water to a boil over high heat.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5: Bring the water to a boil, add the chopped tofu cubes, cover the pot and simmer for 10 minutes.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

6: Stew until the wakame is soft and rotten, beat the eggs, pour into the boiling soup, quickly form egg blossoms, and then add the right amount of salt and pepper, you can get out of the pot.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5. Tomato tofu fish soup

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

【Ingredients】Tofu, pebbles, tomato, green onion, ginger, salt, white pepper

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1, Bought two sticker fish from the supermarket, let the stall owner deal with the internal organs, go home and rinse them, put the treated fish in the oil pan, fry until both sides are golden, and then put them out for later.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2: Cut the tofu into small pieces, put a little oil in the pan and fry the tofu until golden brown on all sides.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3: Slice the green onion and ginger, peel and cut the tomato into small cubes. Heat the oil in a pan, sauté the slices of green onion and ginger until fragrant, then add the diced tomatoes and stir-fry over high heat until the diced tomatoes are tender.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4: Add the fried fish and tofu, then add water over the tofu and fish, bring the soup to a boil over high heat, then cover the pot and reduce the heat to cook for 20 minutes.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5: Cook until the fish is soft and the soup becomes thicker, add the right amount of salt and white pepper, and sprinkle the chopped parsley after cooking.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

6. Shrimp slippery seaweed soup

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

【Ingredients】Shrimp, seaweed, egg, coriander, shallots, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, tapioca starch

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1: Prepare a pound of fresh shrimp, remove the shrimp head and put it in a dish, then peel off the shrimp, peel all the shrimp and put it on the plate for later.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2, take the peeled shrimp on the board, use the back of the knife to shoot scattered, and then use the knife to chop into shrimp puree, chop into this very viscous state on it, so that the shrimp balls will be very smooth and tender, chopped shrimp puree in the bowl for later.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3: Prepare seaweed, eggs, coriander and shallots as a side dish for shrimp soup. Cut the spring onion and finely chop the parsley and set aside.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4: Beat an egg, put the egg white into the shrimp paste, put the yolk into another bowl and set aside, then beat another egg in the yolk bowl.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5: Put a small amount of green onion in the shrimp puree, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, then put some pepper, and finally put 1 spoonful of tapioca starch, stir in one direction with chopsticks, until the shrimp puree is strong, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a while.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

6: Stir up the egg mixture that you beat before, pour it into a pan and spread it into an omelette, put it aside and let it cool. Roll up the cold quiche and cut into strips.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

7: Put some more oil in the pot, put in the shrimp head, fry on high heat until the shrimp head is crisp, then take out the shrimp head and leave the shrimp oil for later.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

8: Add the shrimp oil made before in the pot, add the green onion and stir-fry to bring out the aroma, then pour in water and bring to a boil over high heat. Take out the shrimp puree refrigerated in the refrigerator, squeeze out the shrimp balls by hand and then use a spoon to put them into the boiling soup, put all the prepared shrimp balls into the pot, cook until the shrimp balls float up, the color becomes light powder, and cook well.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

10, put in the seaweed, stir to make the seaweed soft, seaweed is not suitable for cooking for a long time, will affect the umami taste. Finally, add the shredded egg, chopped green onion and parsley, add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tsp of pepper to the soup and you're good to go.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

7. Loofah seafood mushroom soup

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

【Ingredients】Egg, seafood mushrooms, loofah, dried shrimp, salt, white pepper

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1: Wash the fresh loofah and peel off the outer skin, cut into hob pieces for later.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2: Beat two eggs and set aside.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3: Pour the bottom oil into the bottom of the pot, add the green onion and fry the shallots, then add the sea rice and fry the same flavor.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

4: Pour the beaten eggs into the pot, and when the egg liquid is almost solidified, stir-fry with a spatula.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

5: Add loofah cubes and sauté, then add seafood mushrooms.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

6: Add warm water over all the ingredients, then heat over high heat until boiling, cook until the seafood mushrooms are soft and you can turn off the heat, and finally add salt and a small amount of white pepper, you can get out of the pot.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

8. Three-funm soup

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

【Ingredients】Oyster mushrooms, seafood mushrooms, cordyceps mushrooms, salt, goji berries

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

1: Wash the oyster mushrooms and tear them into strips by hand for later. Wash the seafood mushrooms and cordyceps flowers separately and remove the roots.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

2: Heat a little oil in a pot, then put the seafood mushrooms and mushrooms in hot oil and stir-fry over high heat.

In the spring, give children more than 8 kinds of nutritious soups, which are high in calcium and rich in nutrition

3, add the cordyceps flowers to the pot, gently stir-fry, add the right amount of boiling water to the pot, then boil on high heat, simmer for about 20 minutes, and finally I added a little goji berries, add the right amount of salt before coming out of the pot.

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