
After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

Spring Festival is a family reunion festival, in this festival, many people failed to control their diet, eating hesse, a large amount of high-calorie, high-fat food, coupled with smoking and drinking, irregular life and other reasons, caused a great burden to the body, especially hypertensive people, it is likely to cause blood pressure rise due to irregular diet and lifestyle, aggravating the disease, and laying hidden dangers for the occurrence of various complications.

Therefore, patients with hypertension must pay attention to the measurement of blood pressure after the festival, and if blood pressure rises, measures should be taken to deal with it in time. So, as a hypertensive patient, how should you lower your blood pressure after the holiday?

After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

1. Adjust the work and rest time as soon as possible

During the Spring Festival, gatherings and socializing between relatives and friends, many people's work and rest become very irregular, and even the phenomenon of staying up late, which affects the stability of blood pressure.

Therefore, patients with hypertension should let themselves "calm down" after the festival, restore regular work and rest, pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early, and ensure sufficient sleep time, so that they can better stabilize blood pressure.

After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

2. Adjust your diet

During the Spring Festival, many people can't control themselves, big fish and big meat, after the festival should adjust their eating habits in time, usually eat less high-fat, high-salt, high-calorie food;

The diet is mainly light food, you can eat more oats, corn and other coarse grains, more intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, so that the body gradually returns to normal.

After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

3. Exercise appropriately and relax the spirit

After the Spring Festival holiday, many people can't lift their spirits after resuming work, always feel tired and nervous, and this state is not conducive to the stability of blood pressure.

It is recommended that such people properly carry out some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, badminton, brisk walking, etc., which can help stabilize blood pressure and relax the mood, but avoid doing too strenuous exercise, otherwise it will stimulate the rise in blood pressure.

After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

In addition to more exercise, in life, we should also pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, and we should not force ourselves to carry out high-intensity work, so as not to have anxiety, tension and other emotions.

In addition, the temperature is low in winter, and patients with high blood pressure should also do a good job of keeping warm, so as not to fluctuate blood pressure due to cold stimulation.

In addition to the above points, patients with hypertension should also do the following in life:

After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

1. Stay away from tobacco and alcohol

Tobacco contains a large number of harmful substances, long-term smoking, can lead to arteriosclerosis, aggravating hypertension;

In addition, alcohol can cause blood pressure to rise and affect the therapeutic effect of antihypertensive drugs, so patients with hypertension should also stay away from tobacco and alcohol to maintain stable blood pressure.

After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

2. Regular medication

Hypertension is a chronic disease and should be treated with medication for a long time, and patients should take medication regularly under the guidance of a doctor according to their condition;

Do not increase or decrease the amount of medicine without authorization, and do not stop the medication without authorization due to the decrease in blood pressure, otherwise it is easy to cause fluctuations in blood pressure and aggravate the condition.

After the holiday blood pressure rises, keep these 3 points in mind, or can help you lower your blood pressure, may wish to try

3. Measure blood pressure regularly

Hypertensive patients should measure blood pressure regularly during the treatment of the disease, pay attention to their blood pressure changes at any time, and once the blood pressure fluctuates, they should deal with it in time so as not to cause greater harm to the body.

For patients with hypertension, daily should strictly control their diet, develop regular living habits, if in the Spring Festival holiday Hu eat sea drink, life is irregular, will lead to increased blood pressure, aggravation of the disease, for such people, after the holiday should pay attention to timely adjustment of diet and living habits, while eating medicine, regular measurement of blood pressure, so as to avoid aggravation of the disease.

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