
Huixuexing | class teacher reminds: Make these 5 preparations before the start of school to help children meet the new semester!

Winter break is drawing to a close, and children are about to usher in a new semester. As the saying goes: the heart is not in place, and the school starts two lines of tears. In this regard, the class teacher gave parents a trick: make these five preparations before the start of the school, and the children will quickly keep up with the rhythm of the school.

Huixuexing | class teacher reminds: Make these 5 preparations before the start of school to help children meet the new semester!

Adjust the state: alleviate the child's anxiety about the beginning of school When the Spring Festival holiday is over, we adults do not love to go to work, not to mention children, children will inevitably have low mood, love to lose their temper, lack of concentration and other conditions. At this time, parents need to channel their children's emotions and help their children adjust their state. ◆ Communication, relax the mentality of parents are the child's closest people, their own emotions and emotional regulation ability for the child's emotions play a vital role, parents' excessive emotions will hurt the child, so parents should first stabilize their emotions, relax the mentality, remain optimistic, peacefully talk to the child about the heart, with positive, positive emotions to affect the child. ◆ Emotional transfer, alleviate anxiety In this case, parents can take their children out to relax, or they can choose some indoor mood relief methods, such as taking children to parent-child games, singing, chatting, etc., to alleviate children's inner anxiety and uneasiness, so that children can adjust their state and invest in new learning and life with a happy mood. ◆ Combination of dynamic and static, relieve stress here "moving" and "static" refer to exercise and rest respectively. Parents can appropriately lead their children to play sports together, avoid sitting for a long time, and relax while exercising. Parents should adjust their children's work and rest time in time to ensure that their children get enough sleep, and good sleep is more helpful for emotional recovery.

Huixuexing | class teacher reminds: Make these 5 preparations before the start of school to help children meet the new semester!

Guiding children to take a step-by-step holiday is a good time to relax, but relaxation is not indulgence, we can indulge the child's vacation, but other parents will not, every wasted vacation is a slide to a mediocre life. While adjusting the child's state, it is necessary to gradually increase the time for learning, so as to learn from the past. ◆ Check homework, good start and end check winter vacation homework is a sharp tool for children before school starts, if it has been written, then go back and check again to see if there are any missing places, and rethink the previous difficulties; if it has not been done, then according to the remaining amount of homework and the remaining winter vacation time, plan the daily homework tasks, and complete the winter vacation homework before the start of school.

Huixuexing | class teacher reminds: Make these 5 preparations before the start of school to help children meet the new semester!

◆ Review and summarize, consolidate knowledge Any new knowledge want to learn well and master well, it is inseparable from the basic knowledge of the knowledge learned before to review and summarize the previous knowledge should become the focus of winter vacation learning and attention. It is recommended to sort out the knowledge outline on the basis of teaching materials, class notes, wrong question books, etc., and check and fill in the gaps in their weak links. ◆ Preview the new lesson, self-study in advance Parents can guide the child to prepare the new lesson in advance, one can be careful, the other can let the child keep up with the progress as soon as possible after the start of school, but pay attention not to be too hasty, to let the child prepare the new lesson without burden, you can go through the textbook first, roughly understand the textbook module, use the pen to check out the places that do not understand, and warm up the new knowledge.

Huixuexing | class teacher reminds: Make these 5 preparations before the start of school to help children meet the new semester!

Make a plan: Stimulate children's motivation to learn There are survey studies that show that children with excellent grades in the class have one thing in common, that is, they have a plan for learning, they can do everything in an orderly manner, and the learning efficiency is very high. Before the start of the school year, please help your child develop a learning plan for the new semester and set your own goals for the new semester. ◆ Respect for children, based on the actual semester plan is a plan made for the child, the child is the main body of implementation, so in the formulation of the new semester plan or to fully consider the child's actual situation, as well as to solicit the child's opinions, from the child's cognitive ability and endurance, jointly and the child to make a good goal plan. ◆ Pay attention to quality, specific goals If you only pay attention to quantity and do not consider quality when formulating semester plans, then high-intensity learning will only bring great pressure to children, remember not to use a large number of learning tasks to oppress children, to pay attention to practical results, highlight the key points, goals and tasks do not set too high, but also to reasonably set large goals and small goals, small goals can be specific to a day or a week. ◆ Balanced life, flexible learning is an aspect of a day's life, so when formulating a semester plan, we must consider it comprehensively, so that we must focus on learning, supplemented by other activities, and truly combine work and leisure. In addition, the plan should be based on the principle of basic invariance, but also be flexible, so as to cope with unexpected situations, and not let the plan become a paper talk. Correct behavior: Establish good habits for children At the beginning of the winter vacation, parents often indulge their children in order to let their children relax, so over time, children develop a series of bad habits, forming the so-called holiday syndrome. Before the start of school, parents are asked to correct their children's bad behavior in time and develop good habits for their children. ◆ Put away the mobile phone, avoid indulging in the mobile phone can play, but play less, the most critical is to control the time, parents can agree with the child to play the time of the mobile phone every day, insist on gradually reducing the time and number of children playing mobile phones every day, if the child violates the rules, then you need to accept punishment. ◆ Adjust the diet, three meals rule in the winter vacation children broke the rules of diet, big fish, meat, snacks, drinks, etc. became the child's favorite, late sleep and late rise is the result of three meals irregular, so at this time must adjust the child's eating habits, three meals a day normal eating, diet to light, fully replenish the vitamin-rich diet, eat less snacks and drink less, adjust its diet to the school state. ◆ Participate in housework, cultivate independent school when the child will occasionally be arranged to be on duty to do hygiene, but if in the winter vacation to develop the bad habit of not doing housework, relying on parents for everything, for the new semester of vacation life development is unfavorable, so usually some of the housework within their ability, should let the child do, this is the best opportunity to cultivate children's self-care ability and independent ability.

Huixuexing | class teacher reminds: Make these 5 preparations before the start of school to help children meet the new semester!
Huixuexing | class teacher reminds: Make these 5 preparations before the start of school to help children meet the new semester!

Attach importance to companionship: to ensure the healthy growth of children, some people say that companionship is the best confession. The love and companionship of parents can make the child's emotional elements more perfect, emotionally more stable, and more mentally healthy, and the child will quickly keep up with the learning progress after the natural start of school. ◆ Do not preach, maintain patience preaching is not education, but an irresponsible, only concerned about their own emotional catharsis of accusations, children will certainly not listen to it, will only be disgusted, and even more and more rebellious. Therefore, parents must not always preach, to control their emotions, know how to see the child's good, and be patient with the child. ◆ Lower the posture, mutual respect Parents must lower their posture when accompanying their children, do not stand on the top, do not blindly accuse, do not hit the child, give the child the respect they deserve, learn to listen to the child's voice, and communicate with the child equally, which can really help the child find problems and solve problems. ◆ Lead by example, do a good job of setting an example The child is a natural imitator, he will unconsciously imitate the parents' every move, every word and deed, and the parents lead by example and take the lead in setting an example, which is the best education for children. Therefore, in the period before the start of school, parents should pay more attention to their own words and deeds, and what they want their children to do, they must do it first, and play a good exemplary role. Soon to start school, I hope that parents can maintain the state of attention to their children, make adjustments to their children in time, and parents should use more positive encouragement to make children full of confidence, so that children will be more motivated to face the arrival of the new semester.

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