
Dad helped his daughter write homework and won 110,000 praises! Netizen: This dad can really be treated, and he really has something to do

Dad helped his daughter write homework and won 110,000 praises! Netizen: This dad can really be treated, and he really has something to do


Yesterday afternoon, I took my daughter to the Jialing River to catch crabs, and I met a relatively quiet and obedient girl in the class. In the chat, she learned that her parents did not even know what the winter vacation homework was. After listening to my account, her mother began to burn:

"Huh? Math arranges a page of calculation problems every day? ”

"What? Mathematics also silently writes a nine-nine multiplication table? ”

"Huh? Did the Chinese teacher say that he wanted to practice words? ”

"What? Are you also required to write new words from the second grade book? ”

"Oops, tomorrow the child doesn't have time to do homework, how can he make up for it the day after tomorrow?"

"How were students who didn't finish their homework last semester punished?"

"It's over, I didn't even know there was any homework."

Last night, her parents sent a screenshot asking if I was practicing these new words, and I told her yes, and she started to panic again, "Oh my God! 250 new words, how can this be added? There are other assignments! ”

Dad helped his daughter write homework and won 110,000 praises! Netizen: This dad can really be treated, and he really has something to do


These two days, open the vibrato screen is full of "rotten tail building rush period", "rotten tail building cap" and other topics, in many videos, there is a father naked upper body, sitting at the desk seriously for his daughter to write homework.

What Xi Xi's mother did not expect was that many netizens actually gave a thumbs up to this father, and there was not even a bad comment. Like what:

"There really is a dad with the same style!" I didn't dare to say that the girlfriend called her father at the mahjong table to go home to help with his homework. ”

"This dad can really deal with it, and he really has something to do."

"I once helped my son write it, and then I was talked to by the teacher, and I was still a middle school teacher."

"My cousin didn't write winter vacation homework, and the night before school started, the family stayed up late to help her with her homework, and she sat next to her and cried."

"I once helped my son catch up with his homework, and the teacher said that your son's words have improved this time."

"Let the teachers see if so much homework is assigned during the holidays, does it work?"

"We help with the handwriting."

"I always help my girlfriend with my homework."

"This father must love his daughter very much, and when there is a lot of homework, parents should help their children write homework."

"I've done this before, and it's too hard to watch the children."

"Oh my God, I'm not the only one who helps my kids with their homework."

"My daughter said yesterday, Mom, you help me with my homework and I'll give you money."

"I occasionally help my son with his homework, but I don't dare to squeak, and there are still the same as me."

Under the 19,000 comments, it was either praise for the father or a confession to himself to help his children write homework, causing some netizens to start doubting themselves: "Am I incompetent?" I've never helped my kids with their homework. ”

Dad helped his daughter write homework and won 110,000 praises! Netizen: This dad can really be treated, and he really has something to do


Parents help their children write homework, should they blame the teacher for assigning too much homework, or should they praise the parents for their generosity, or should they cast envious eyes for the child's luck?

I think that this kind of "overly competent" parents are often an obstacle to their children's learning!

(1) The laziness of children is closely related to the dereliction of duty of parents.

If a child is allowed to choose between playing and doing homework, I think every child will choose to play, after all, it is the nature of children to play. But learning happens to be a very important thing in childhood, if parents always have an indifferent attitude towards whether their children complete their homework, then the child will naturally not have the motivation to take the initiative to complete the homework.

Why is there so much make-up work on the network recently? This is actually related to the negligence of parents.

The winter vacation has just begun, and parents will feel: "Oh, the child has worked hard for a semester, if you want to play, play, let's talk about it later!" "Halfway through the winter vacation, parents just verbally remind their children to do their homework, as to whether the child has done it, or how to do it, parents don't seem to care too much, after all, it is also the New Year, parents just want to play, let alone children." The cold period is coming to an end, and parents are afraid that their children's unfinished homework will involve themselves and be criticized, so they begin to help their children write and answer.

As netizens said: "When there is a bad tail building to rush the construction period, the supervisor will definitely bear most of the responsibility." ”

Dad helped his daughter write homework and won 110,000 praises! Netizen: This dad can really be treated, and he really has something to do

(2) Instead of helping your child catch up with homework, it is better to work with your child to develop an effective learning plan when the holiday has just begun.

On the issue of children's learning and homework, I have always adhered to the principle of "today's events, recent days". Even if it is winter and summer vacations, this is the case. On the night of the holidays, I would accompany my daughter to make a study plan, list all the homework, and average the score, down to each day.

For example, if we need to practice 250 new words in Chinese, we divide 250 by 30 days, and the number is 8.333, so we can practice 9 new words a day. The amount of one-time completion does not need to be too much, but the quality must be guaranteed.

Mathematical calculation problems, the teacher assigned one page per day, then one page of calculation problems per day will be a thunderous task. Even if there are occasional special circumstances, the child really can't complete it, then the child will not have a sneaking joy in his heart, but a sense of guilt that "I have not completed the calculation problem".

Learning is a child's business in itself; doing homework should also be the child's responsibility. As parents, at best, we are supervised, and at most there is a role to check the degree of completion and accuracy.

Dad helped his daughter write homework and won 110,000 praises! Netizen: This dad can really be treated, and he really has something to do


Will you help your child with homework? What do you think about parents helping their children with their homework? Welcome to express your views, let us exchange ideas together.

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