
Do you know about Freemasonry? Freemasonry controls the Federal Reserve, which is the U.S. Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Central Bank. The United States has also referred to the central bank as the "Federal Reserve" for some time.


Do you know about Freemasonry? Freemasonry controls the Federal Reserve, which is the U.S. Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Central Bank.

The United States has also referred to the central bank as the "Federal Reserve" for some time. Because the names of private central banks in the late 18th century were always too tightly linked to the conspiracies of Britain's international bankers, Paul Warburg, the chief architect of the Federal Reserve, used the name of the Federal Reserve System to obscure people.

Controlling the Fed is this mysterious organization called the Freemasonry. So U.S. dollar bills are not printed by the Treasury, but by private banks organized by Masonic organizations. Its largest shareholder is secretly non-disclosureable.

The eight masonic major shareholders are listed as follows: 1, Rothschild Bank in Berlin and London, 2, Lazard Brother Bank in Paris, 3, Israel's Moses Seif Bank in Italy, 4, Lehman Brother Bank in New York, 5, Kuhn bank in New York, Loed Bank, 6, Chase Manhattan Bank in New York, 7, Goldmansuchs Bank in New York, 8, Warburg Bank in Amsterdam.

There are also nearly 300 shareholders, and many of them are related. The most powerful of these was the Rockefeller family. They were all members of Freemasonry.

After understanding that the owner of the dollar is Freemasonry, let us turn our eyes to the mysterious organization of Freemasonry.

The earliest record of the official emergence of Masonics began in England in 1717, when they began preparations to compile their own charters.

The protestant chancellor at the time, Pastor James Anderson, completed the work, which was compiled according to the ancient Masonic Charter, and in 1723 the first Masonic charter was officially published——— "The Constitutions of the Free-Masons", which was divided into three parts: history, responsibilities and obligations, and general rules.

The Charter interprets the Freemasonry, the English name of Freemasonry, as "a group of free stonemasons who knew the astronomy and geography of the lower, and the mysteries of the Creator," who were only a little bit behind God and tried to build The Tower of Babel, and after The Gods changed their accents, they scattered all over the world and abandoned the great cause of building towers. Since then, they have hidden the great knowledge they have mastered, and they have worked underground in obscurity, and they have built the temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem, and built countless churches and other stone buildings in the Middle Ages.

They secretly formed societies, called each other brothers, united in good faith, and helped each other in the same boat. Many of the recent celebrities we know well, such as Goethe, Mark Twain, Mozart, Montesquieu, etc., were freemasons.

In the era of dollar design, 53 of the 56 Founding Fathers of the United States who signed the Declaration of Independence had Freemasons. Among the presidents of the United States, starting with Washington, only lincoln and Kennedy, who were assassinated, were not Freemasons. The proportion of Masonic members in the British royal family is also amazing, George III, IV, VI, Edward VII, VIII, etc. are all, Charles and Diana are members of the New Era, and the "New Era" is a small faction of Freemasonry.

Underpinning modern Masonic operations is the Lucifer Foundation, founded in 1922 at 666 United Nations Plaza in New York City, with an earlier name of LuciferTrust (Lucifer, the name of Satan before his betrayal of God, meaning "Bright Star"). Behind the scenes, the owners of the Lucifer Foundation are the ——— rothschild families, the masters of the financial world.

Do you know about Freemasonry? Freemasonry controls the Federal Reserve, which is the U.S. Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Central Bank. The United States has also referred to the central bank as the "Federal Reserve" for some time.

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