
More than 1,200 years ago, the Slavs scattered across today's eastern Ukraine could not have imagined that their people and state would be built by a Viking known as the Vikings

author:The flowers are thick

More than 1,200 years ago, the Slavs scattered across today's eastern Ukraine could never have imagined that their people and state would be cohesively established by a Viking known as the Vikings. This man, Rurik, is regarded by Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians as the founders of the nation.

Around 800 AD, the Slavic peoples were scattered into many tribes living in the steppes of Eastern Europe, and the internal friction between the tribes was serious. This situation seriously affected the development of the tribe, but the tribal leaders were disobedient to each other, and it was necessary for a chosen son to appear.

The Chosen Son soon appeared, the super powerful and intelligent Rurik. The Steppes of Eastern Europe at that time were important trade routes for the Nordic Vikings and the Byzantine Empire in Southern Europe. Rurik was the head of the Viking Warrior Regiment responsible for the security of the trade routes, equivalent to the ancient Chinese dart master.

Rurik often had to pass through the territory of the Slavic tribe because of his working relationship, and when there was nothing to do, he would mediate tribal conflicts and disputes for the Slavs, and over time the Slavs were not only impressed by this brave, strong, intelligent and wise Viking.

In 862 the Slavs, unable to bear the chaos and strife, invited Rurik to maintain order and peace for them. Rurik then established a principality in Novgorod. Because Rurik was known as the Rus', the Rus' gradually merged with the Slavs and Chincha to become Russians.

The Rurik dynasty was the first Russian principality, established in the northern steppes of Eastern Europe, founded by a Viking and ruled for nearly seven hundred years. After Rurik's death, his successor Oleg led an army south to occupy Kiev and move the capital here, gradually unifying other Slavic tribes with Kiev as the center.

The first Russian state known as Kievan Rus' was formed around Kiev, and Kiev, a culture-rich, religiously and civilized city, became the most important city in Eastern Europe. So the first Russian state, Kievan Rus', was actually the eastern region of present-day Ukraine.

During this period, Vladimir's Grand Duke Drey attacked Kiev in 1169, and the Duchy of Vladimir became the strongest of the Rus' principalities, and its Grand Duke also replaced the Grand Duke of Kiev as the leader of the Rus' people. His greatest contribution to Russia was the gradual integration of the Rus' people through the orthodox church as the state religion.

Kievan Rus' prosperity lasted for nearly four hundred years and ushered in a great unification, but this unification was not done by the Russians, but by the Mongols Batu who invaded the steppes of Eastern Europe. This invasion not only unified Russia, but also because the Mongols' big tongue Rus' has since become Russia.

In 1240, Batu took seven days to attack Kiev and annexed many small Slavic states scattered outside kievan Rus', completing the first great unification of Russia in history. The Mongols not only turned the Rus into Russians, but also severely tore apart Russian culture.

Mongol domination of Russia was achieved by crowning Grand Duke Vladimir. Alexander Nevsky obtained the Grand Duke of Vladimir who should have belonged to him by kneeling the Mongols in 1252. Nevsky had too many sons, so the youngest son was enfeoffed to a swamp to establish a new principality.

The new principality established in the marshlands by the son of Daniel Alexander Drovich was the Principality of Moscow. The Muscovite Principality, a separate state from Vladimir, maintained good relations with the Principality of Vladimir, which lasted until the Kulikovo War.

In 1380 the Duchy of Vladimir and the Duchy of Moscow joined forces to launch the Battle of Kulikovo, which won a difficult victory against the Golden Horde. After the war, the Muscovite Principality annexed the Principality of Vladimir and gradually merged more than seventy Rus' Principalities, becoming the new Rus' Principality.

Later, the Mongol Empire declined, and the Slavic states that were originally ruled by the Mongol Empire began to stir. Among them, the Grand Duke of Lithuania took the lead in raising the banner of resistance, and he marched south along the route of Oleg's southern expedition to Kiev, occupying the border between present-day Belarus and Ukraine.

In 1569 the Grand Duchy of Lithuania merged with the Kingdom of Poland to form the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Grand Duke of Lithuania married a princess of the Kingdom of Poland and gave large tracts of land in western Ukraine as a dowry to the Polish nobility. But the reason behind all this is that both Lithuania and Poland are Catholic.

At the same time, Grand Duke Ivan IV of Moscow officially called the Tsar the establishment of the Russian Empire. The radical introduction of Catholicism after the occupation of Ukraine by the Polish-Lithuanian Confederation provoked resistance among Orthodox Ukrainians, especially in Eastern Ukraine, which was closer to Russia, which quickly fell to the same language as the Russian Empire.

The national independence of Ukraine in 1648 was combined with the Khmelnytsky Cossack Revolt. Khmelnytsky had extraordinary diplomatic skills, he signed a pact with the Crimean Khanate to borrow troops, the rebel army and the Crimean cavalry alliance soon attacked Kiev, and Khmelnytsky became the commander-in-chief of Ukraine.

Faced with defeat Poland had to recognize Ukrainian independence. But only two years later, when Polish troops made a comeback and drove Ukrainian troops out of Kiev, Khmelnitz based on his request for assistance from the Russian Empire. To this end, Khmelnytsky signed an agreement to merge with Russia, and Russia entered the war.

Russia soon regained Ukraine and Belarus. But Khmelnytsky's death led to divisions within the Ukrainian Cossack nobility. The defection of some of the upper nobility to the Polish king led to the Second Russo-Polish War, which in this case the Poles regained western Ukraine.

Since then, Ukraine has been divided into two parts, western Ukraine is ruled by Poland and Catholic, and eastern Ukraine is part of Russia and orthodox.

This situation continued until the Polish-Lithuanian Federation had serious internal problems, and after the infighting in the Polish-Lithuanian Federation, it was divided between Russia and prussia and Austria. Since then, the Russian Empire has brought Ukraine under its rule in its entirety. Until the later collapse of the huge Soviet Union.

History seems to have been joking with Ukraine. Western Ukraine, which used to rebel against Poland because of its Orthodox faith, is now in conflict with Russia because of its Catholic faith.

There are several Vladimirs in history that have influenced the fate of Ukraine, but where today's Ukraine goes, I am afraid that the Ukrainian actor Vladimir said whether it is or not, it is up to the Russian tough man Vladimir to decide. #历史 #

More than 1,200 years ago, the Slavs scattered across today's eastern Ukraine could not have imagined that their people and state would be built by a Viking known as the Vikings
More than 1,200 years ago, the Slavs scattered across today's eastern Ukraine could not have imagined that their people and state would be built by a Viking known as the Vikings
More than 1,200 years ago, the Slavs scattered across today's eastern Ukraine could not have imagined that their people and state would be built by a Viking known as the Vikings

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