
10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

During the Spring Festival holidays, I went to the home of a relative who was estranged from a relative to visit the New Year. After a polite greeting from everyone, I asked what profession I was doing now. I thought about it, and I was afraid that after saying it, I would ask if I could get a discount on a car or something, but I finally said it.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

When he knew that I was engaged in automobile-related work, he said, aren't you quite familiar with cars, my Toyota old Ruizhi has been used for almost 10 years, in addition to the regular "three-compartment maintenance", halfway through the change of spark plugs, transmission oil. By the way, the tire has also been changed once, but when it comes to changing the tire, it is indeed pitted, and the tire noise is not OK. This time I want to change a little more expensive, I heard that Michelin tires have a model called what PS4, very good. I said, called Jingchi 4, it is indeed good, it is a little expensive.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

He believes, "Expensive is good, good is expensive, it must be silent, it must be durable." "But the problem is that a tyre can't be perfect in every way, and if there is, it's not the best in every aspect. As a 10-year-old driver, I also think that expensive tires are good, good is expensive, and this idea should not be ah. People who have a certain understanding of tires should know that tires are also divided into many types, some are silent, some are handled, and some are durable. So before choosing the right tire for you, you must first figure out the needs.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

According to the reason he wants to change the tire, the tire noise is too strong, if you change to the Michelin Racing 4 he mentioned, it still can't solve the problem of too much tire noise, because it is not a silent tire, it is a high-performance handling tire. In simple terms, most high-performance tires use a harder rubber formula, so it will affect comfort to some extent, and the noise will be slightly larger than other types of tires.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

In fact, most tire brands have a comprehensive layout from top to bottom, with various series such as economy, comfort, luxury, and performance. Like my relative, he feels that the tire noise is relatively large, but also does not consider other tire brands, you can also choose Michelin's Haoyue 4, its main mute, if you want to be durable, Michelin also has a tough XM2+, and the price of these two models is half cheaper than the Racing 4, but according to the old Ruizhi wheel model to replace 4 with 4 is also more than 2,000, not cheap. Therefore, Xiaobian also wants to use this topic to talk about so many tire brands in the current market, how to choose?

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

First, the car tires are classified according to the region, which can be roughly divided into Europe, North America, Japan and South Korea, Southeast Asia, and China. Tires are closely related to the local automobile industry, but also indirectly determine the brand positioning and price. Typical examples such as South Korea, Korean/Japanese automotive products are positioned close to the people, and Hankook and Kumho also pay more attention to this aspect. Tire brands in China and Southeast Asia have also given birth to tire brands such as Margis, Giti, Chaoyang, etc. that are mainly cost-effective.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

Europe is somewhat different, as the birthplace of the car, a large number of sports events and sports cars, luxury, home, economic cars in all directions, so that Europe has given birth to a number of top performance, comprehensive categories of tire brands, including the Michelin just mentioned, as well as the well-known horse brand and Pirelli. If it is not a completely domestic, economically oriented model, the price of the car is more than 200,000 yuan, and the European brand can be considered when there are some requirements for control.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

But there is a point to be noted, even if you have certain requirements for control, I do not approve of you upgrading too expensive tires, for example, your original tires are 500 yuan a piece, you do not need to change to 1500 pieces. Because when the engineer develops the chassis, the first thing is to select the tire, it can be said that the chassis is set according to the performance orientation of the tire. If you replace a tire that is too expensive and its limits have exceeded the limits of the chassis, it is a waste.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

If you are focusing on cost performance and wear resistance, you can consider tire brands such as Hankook/Kumho/Giti, which are very high in China, and the low-end models of Volkswagen, Toyota and Hyundai often use their products for collocation, which are very cost-effective and popular because of their high degree of wear resistance. However, Hankook Tire was named by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine a few years ago to issue a risk warning, and the corresponding recall has greatly reduced its influence.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

It is worth mentioning that do not think that the choice of wear-resistant tires, there is no use of life, in fact, there is a certain knowledge misunderstanding, because the rubber is not used for a long time will also age and crack, not to mention the long-term sun and rain after our use. For family cars, running about 10,000-20,000 kilometers a year, basically running for 5-6 years is already the limit, and it is still in the case of no nails and no repairs.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

In addition, when it comes to wear resistance, many tire wholesalers mention that there is a "Tread Wear" English on the side of the tire, followed by a number, and the latter number represents the wear value of the tire, and the wear value is multiplied by 300 miles or multiplied by 500 kilometers to equal the theoretical maximum travel. The larger the wear value, the more wear-resistant the tire is and the greater the range available. However, the wear value is not as large as possible, because the larger the wear value of the tire, the harder the tire quality, the disadvantage is that a certain amount of grip is sacrificed, and the tire noise will increase accordingly.

10-year-old drivers don't necessarily know how to choose tires!

After this conversation with relatives, I learned that even a 10-year-old driver does not necessarily know how to choose a tire. If you also happen to be not so familiar with tire knowledge, I hope that after reading this article, it will be of some help to you. Finally, car tire models have their own advantages and characteristics, and there is no absolute only answer. Understand your own needs to choose tires, high reputation, not necessarily the most suitable for you. (Image source network, invasion and deletion)

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