
Countdown to the start of school! Prepare for these 4 and benefit your child for a semester

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The Spring Festival holiday has come to an end, and the children's winter vacation is coming to an end.

Almost to go to school, children have mixed feelings, some children are depressed because they can no longer play games, some children are anxious because they have not finished their homework, and some children are nervous about learning in the new semester.

In an interview, when faced with the question of "how are the children feeling at the beginning of school", many children frankly said: angry and nervous.

Countdown to the start of school! Prepare for these 4 and benefit your child for a semester

Screenshot of the video is from Sichuan Observation

Countdown to the start of school! Prepare for these 4 and benefit your child for a semester

In the week before the start of school, many children fall into a manifestation of "school anxiety", such as: sleep disorders, fear of going to school, anxiety, inability to lift spirits.......

As a parent, it is necessary to help children enter the learning role as soon as possible and alleviate the negative emotions of children before the start of school.

So, what preparations should be made before the start of the school year so that children can better prepare for the new semester?


Mental Preparation:

Adjust the pace of life and say goodbye to idleness

Whether it is an adult or a child, in the winter vacation, it is most likely to fall into uncontrolled pleasure, the most typical is the following three aspects:

Overeating: Good food in the New Year, big fish and meat, snacks are also more, and children eat without moderation, causing a burden on the stomach and intestines.

Excessive staying up late: The sleep time of children during the holidays is greatly delayed, and they sleep late and stay up late at every turn, and excessively consume energy.

Addicted to games: Some children do not like to go out, every day at home holding mobile phones to play games, a play is a few hours.

Countdown to the start of school! Prepare for these 4 and benefit your child for a semester

However, the pace of life after the start of school has completely changed, not only eating lightly, but also requiring children to go to bed early and get up early, shifting their attention from games to textbooks.

Because children cannot adapt to this change, for a long time after the start of school, they are sleepy, distracted, inattentive, and in poor shape, and need to spend a long time to adapt to the regular life of the school.

So the week before the start of school is a good time to adjust the rhythm of your child's life, as for how to do it, it is also very simple:

First, adjust the child's eating habits, reduce the frequency of snacks for children, and the family diet should also return to the law of three meals a day.

Second, implement your child's schedule during school in advance.

Third, appropriately increase exercise to liberate children from electronic screens.

Making these preparations can effectively help children say goodbye to laziness, so that he can work and rest without obstacles after the start of school, and greet the new semester with the fullest mental state.


Preparation for study:

Check the defects and fill in the gaps in the homework, and increase the confidence of the opening of the school

Although homework can see the child's learning attitude, it is understandable that the completion of homework is not optimistic during long vacations such as winter and summer vacations.

During the Spring Festival during the winter vacation, the lively New Year atmosphere, some parents can't bear to urge their children to write homework, and open one eye and close one eye to their children's delay.

However, in the last week of the holiday, it is necessary for parents to take the initiative to understand the completion of their children's homework, and together with their children, they will re-sort out the homework of each subject and sort it according to the degree of importance.

And remind the child: "If you don't start today, your homework will snowball like a snowball." ”

Countdown to the start of school! Prepare for these 4 and benefit your child for a semester

In this process, we must ensure that children have an undisturbed learning environment, reduce recreational activities, and avoid external stimulation and distraction.

Especially children's desks, try to be clean and tidy, in addition to stationery and books, should not be placed in other items.

When children do homework, more encouragement, less criticism, really can't finish the homework, when the school starts with the child to explain with the teacher, try to let the child start school without burden.

The purpose of this is not to improve the child's academic performance, but to increase his confidence in the beginning of school.

Every time the school starts, there are many children across the country who pick up the lights and fight at night on the day before the start of school because their homework is not completed, and there are not a few children who cry and make up for their homework.

In this case, the child's fear of going to school is deepened, how can he expect something from the new semester?

And those children who have completed their homework early, less such a worry, are more active in the face of school.

Put down the big stone of homework, and the child can easily start school.


Preparation of school supplies:

Add a sense of ceremony to your child's school start

There is a saying in Time Magazine: "Children love unexpected surprises, but they remember predictable and expected family activities." ”

In Germany, on the first day of school, many elders will prepare a "color bag for school" for their children, which is filled with candy, toys, stationery, etc., and they say to the children: "In the teacher's big house, there is a "color bag tree", and when the color bag fruit on the tree grows large enough, the child should go to school." ”

This makes the children full of expectations for color bags, and the fear of going to school is much less.

The color bag has made a good psychological preparation for the child's school start.

In the same way, we can also give children a full sense of ceremony, so that children can see school as something to look forward to.

For example, prepare school supplies with your children: pencils, pencil cases, notebooks, erasers, etc., replace a wave of "new equipment"; collect family calendars, pictorials, and make exquisite book covers with your children; take your children to celebrate and congratulate your children on entering a new stage of learning...

Preparation full of ritual sense helps to enhance children's expectations for the beginning of school, make him aware of his own growth, and mobilize his children's enthusiasm for learning.

Countdown to the start of school! Prepare for these 4 and benefit your child for a semester


Mental Preparation:

Help your child get out of school anxiety

In the face of changes in the living environment, every child needs a period of adaptation.

Whether it is a kindergarten child or a university student, it will feel anxious because of the start of the school:

"What if the results of the new semester can't keep up?"

"What if my classmates don't play with me?"

"I'm so tired from studying, I don't know when I'll be able to play games again!"

"I don't want to leave Mom and Dad, I don't want to go to school..."

Children are not only burdened with learning pressure, but also social pressure in school, nostalgia for family life, and reluctance to parents.

In the face of boredom, loss and uneasiness in children, parents should know how to understand, do not put too much pressure on their children, and give children time to adapt to the changes from vacation to learning.

Do not reject the child's anxiety, some parents see that the child is still avoiding learning before the start of school, either criticism, or blow, but also by the way to compare the child with his classmates, resulting in the child's thought of school is very painful.

What we have to do is to take the initiative to ask the child's inner feelings, more encouragement, more empathy, and the love and support from the parents can help the child overcome his anxiety.

New semester, new atmosphere, the end of the article a [in the watch], I hope that children in the new semester, learn to have fun, have fun!


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