
How can a child take a child to grab a toy, how can it be so "taught by example"?

How can a child take a child to grab a toy, how can it be so "taught by example"?

□ Li Yuanyuan (Chongqing University)

Recently, the network exposed that at the entrance of the ancient city of Qiancheng District, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, when the urban management temporarily detained hawker goods, two mothers with children took the opportunity to grab toys. In the video, the urban management staff is pulling with the old man who sells balloons, the toys sold by the old man are scattered on the ground, and two aunts with children come forward to grab the toys, and then leave the scene with a smile. On the 10th, the staff of the local Xiqiao Street Office said that they had received a report and were currently processing it. (February 11 Observer Network)

Compared with school, the family is the first classroom in a child's life. Parents' words and deeds may be learned by their children, so for the healthy growth of their children, parents should set an example, lead by example, and set an example with the right actions. However, the two parents in the video "do the opposite", "take advantage of the fire" when others have difficulties, directly in front of the child's face to grab the toy, but also feel that they have picked up the cheap. The bad behavior reflects the low quality of the person concerned, but what is more serious is the impact of this failed "word and deed" on the child.

The German philosopher Jaspers said: "What is education? Education is one tree shaking another tree, one cloud pushing another cloud, one soul awakening another soul. Under today's educational trend, many parents have begun to instill book knowledge into their children early, but they have ignored that "silent" words and deeds are more important in daily life. "Zongsheng" Zengzi believed in educating children, and killed pigs to fulfill his promise to children; Gu Ailing, the "genius girl" of the Winter Olympics, can have today's achievements, which is inseparable from the silent influence of her mother Gu Yan.

As the old saying goes, "Teach by example, and sue by words." The words and deeds of parents lie in the "silent moisturizing" of the influence on the child's subconscious. The Law on the Promotion of Family Education clearly stipulates that family education should take the cultivation of virtue as the fundamental task of cultivating people and cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism. If parents cannot make a correct demonstration for their children, then counterintuitive values will be planted in the hearts of children, and bad behavior and psychology will be "passed on in the same vein", which is sad for the family and society.

Failed "words and deeds" will eventually harm children. To give children a good start, some parents must make changes, constantly improve their quality and cultivation, and always maintain a learning mentality, strict self-discipline everywhere, and be a benchmark that children can see. At the same time, the government and society should also play a guiding role, using media publicity, social education, school education and other means to pay attention to the children's family situation and remind the parents who are derelict in their duties in a timely manner.

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