
In 2025, the number of new energy vehicles in Beijing will sprint to 2 million| the daily evaluation of the first financial automobile

In 2025, the number of new energy vehicles in Beijing will strive to reach 2 million

At a special press conference on the construction of beijing's "two districts" held on February 10, Liu Yutong, director of the 2022 Beijing News Center, said that Beijing will unswervingly implement the national strategy and strive to reach 2 million new energy vehicles by 2025. By the end of 2021, the cumulative number of new energy vehicles in Beijing has reached 507,000.

Yicai comments: In the past two years, the sales volume of new energy vehicles has grown rapidly, especially in limited cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, and the demand for new energy vehicles is increasing. In these first-tier cities, the speed of electric vehicle infrastructure construction has increased significantly. At present, the development of new energy vehicles has accelerated, and it has shifted from policy-driven to market-driven. According to the statistics of the Association of Automobile Associations, the proportion of fuel vehicle replacement in Beijing's new energy sales is rising, with fuel vehicle replacement accounting for 18% in 2018, and 26%, 36% and 53% in 2019-2021, respectively. Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Federation of Passenger Vehicles, pointed out that in recent years, the number of passenger cars in Beijing has continued to remain stable, and the proportion of new energy vehicles in Beijing has continued to increase, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles has reached 22% in 2021.

Xiaopeng Automobile will open its first overseas self-operated store

According to foreign media reports, Xiaopeng Motors is accelerating its international expansion, planning to open its first self-operated store overseas this week and deepen retail network cooperation with partners. Xiaopeng Motors will open a retail self-operated store in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, which will open this week (before February 13). Xiaopeng Motors has also signed a car sales agreement with Bilia, a major Car dealer and distributor in Sweden, which will supply and provide services to Bilia stores. Xiaopeng Motors also signed a distribution agreement with Dutch auto retailer Emil Frey. Xiaopeng Motors said it plans to open a store near Hague, the Netherlands, in March this year.

Yicai comments: In the past two years, the sales of electric vehicles in Europe have grown rapidly, which has also enabled BYD, Weilai Automobile and other car companies to enter the European new energy vehicle market such as Norway. Judging from the models exported by new energy vehicles, they are mainly A-class vehicles at present. The proportion of foreign-funded vehicles exported by Tesla and other foreign vehicles is still relatively high, and although the export volume of independent brand new energy vehicles is also growing, the scale is still small, especially in the passenger car sector. However, new car-making forces such as Xiaopeng Automobile are accelerating the expansion of overseas car markets such as Europe.

In 2025, the global vehicle-mounted lidar market is expected to reach 100 billion yuan

A research report recently released by CICC said that the market expansion of the semiconductor laser industry depends on the rapid release of downstream core scenarios. Combined with the prediction of the penetration rate of different autonomous driving levels and the average number of lidars on different models of bicycles, the global front-loading lidar market is expected to reach 106.6 billion yuan in 2025.

Yicai comments: With the advent of the era of software-defined cars, automatic driving technology is becoming more and more important, and the products of many car companies are equipped with automatic driving assistance functions, of which lidar is an important technical route, which is adopted by more and more automatic driving companies or car companies. CICC believes that lidar is irreplaceable in terms of L3 and above high-level autonomous driving.

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