
#The Temperature of Reading ##Coffee #"People are born to have a little fun and have to endure a lot of pain, which is much more important than that. If you can't 'forget', or not

author:Starry Sky Story on Mayday

#Read the temperature # #咖啡 #

"People are born to have a little fun and have to endure a lot of pain, which is much more important than that.

If you can't 'forget', or if you don't have the instinct to 'forget', then the pain will be fresh and vivid all the time, and it will torment you as violently and cruelly as it was when it first came into being. ”

#The Temperature of Reading ##Coffee #"People are born to have a little fun and have to endure a lot of pain, which is much more important than that. If you can't 'forget', or not

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