
The power of love is peace, never despite the rules of reason and honor and disgrace, it can make all fears, shocks and pains sweet when suffered. —Shakespeare's #Emotional Inspirational ##经典语录 #

author:Walkers wish to be strong

The power of love is peace,

Never disregard the rules of reason and honor and disgrace,

It can shock all fears

And pain turns into sweetness when suffered.


#Emotional Inspiration # #经典语录 #

The power of love is peace, never despite the rules of reason and honor and disgrace, it can make all fears, shocks and pains sweet when suffered. —Shakespeare's #Emotional Inspirational ##经典语录 #
The power of love is peace, never despite the rules of reason and honor and disgrace, it can make all fears, shocks and pains sweet when suffered. —Shakespeare's #Emotional Inspirational ##经典语录 #
The power of love is peace, never despite the rules of reason and honor and disgrace, it can make all fears, shocks and pains sweet when suffered. —Shakespeare's #Emotional Inspirational ##经典语录 #

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