
The fear of "water on the walls"! Dehumidification techniques need to be remembered in the two guangdong areas of the southern sky line

author:Bright Net

China Weather Network News "Walls, floors are not only moldy, but also automatically out of the water" "the windows are full of water droplets, the bedroom seconds become the bathroom" These complaints come from the two Guangdong netizens who have experienced "returning to the south day", it is said that this is the weather they are most afraid of, there is no one. In the past two days, this terrible weather has been on the line again, and the people of liangguang are trembling, how did the southern sky come into being? How to deal with the attack of the southern sky?

From February to March every year, winter and spring alternate, warm and cold, is the main period of "return to the south day". This is related to its cause, this season, cold air can also frequently affect the two Guangdong area, but in its intermittent period, warm and humid air flow will quickly "counterattack", at this time the air humidity is extremely saturated, the temperature rises, but affected by the previous cold air, the surface of the object is still low temperature, cold and warm will appear a large amount of water vapor.

Leading to the "water bubbling" phenomenon on the wall and even the ground, not only do netizens who can't dry their clothes and quilts want to cry, but the walls may also be "shedding tears".

Today (February 10), the southern and eastern regions of Guangxi have already experienced the power of "returning to the southern sky", and tomorrow, the coastal areas of Guangdong will also encounter this terrible weather. "Back to the South Heaven" can be regarded as the top player in the wet world, so it is the key to deal with it to get rid of dampness, please put away this moisture-proof tip below.

1, when the humid 'back to the south' strikes, everyone must remember to close the windows in the home, especially the windows facing south and southeast, and do not give the moisture any chance to "sneak in".

2, the most important period of moisture protection is the morning and evening of each day. The air humidity during these two periods is higher than that at noon, and if the doors and windows are not closed in time, the water vapor will seriously penetrate into every corner of the home.

3. In addition to blocking the intrusion of moisture, it is also necessary to use some natural dehumidifiers. Such as baking soda, coffee powder and washing powder can all play a role in absorbing moisture.

Source: China Weather Network

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