
Thought of by the fear of the Eastern Slope

author:Jinggang Shusheng

After reading some of Su Dongpo's poems and hearing many people evaluate him, I have always thought that Su Dongpo is an open-minded and optimistic person, and no suffering or blow can change his happy nature. I happened to see an article about the experience of Huangzhou in Dongpo, and I knew that it was not so simple.

Thought of by the fear of the Eastern Slope

When Su Dongpo, who escaped from the Wutai poetry case, came to Huangzhou, he still had palpitations in his heart and was worried for several years. He did not dare to write more poetry, and he refused to ask for more poetry. My friend asked him to write a note, and he wrote back and said, "But since I was offended, I have not dared to write." Even in the private letters to his disciples, he was cautious and cautious, for fear of causing any accidents, and he repeatedly said at the end of the letter to Li Zhiyi: "Since I have offended, I dare not write words." Although this book is not a text, it is written in writing, and it does not feel tired, nor does it need to be shown. That's what it means! He even made it clear in his letter to Zhao Hanzhi: "Dealing with hardships is not related, but a fool has no heart, and what is the difference between him and the deer and the wood and stone!" "Look, Su Dongpo has talked about this, saying that he is not insulted, it seems that it is just wishful thinking of many people.

Thought of by the fear of the Eastern Slope

It is difficult to know people, let alone to know the ancients. We must understand the ancients, and we can only rely on his own or others' "words." The average person wants to summarize his personality and personality according to only a few words, which is inevitably biased, and the erudite people read more about the articles of the ancients, so the understanding is more comprehensive, but if it is said that a completely real person can be recognized according to this, it is not possible. Because there are cases of undocumentment, non-transmission and undocumented undocumentation.

Thought of by the fear of the Eastern Slope

Reading some book reviews that say about the historical limitations of the author, sometimes I think, in fact, you can only say the historical limitations expressed in this book, not the author. Because sometimes it is precisely because the author stands too high, the understanding is too deep, the public statement is shocking, the world can't stand it, and the author is also uneasy and afraid of his own advancement, so he chooses to be silent.

Thought of by the fear of the Eastern Slope

To summarize a person in some words is to label someone. , people's hearts are changeable and difficult to guess, simple labels or less paste as well.

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