
The baby coughs, how to eat? How about home care? There are three taboos

The baby coughs, how to eat? How about home care? There are three taboos

Instructor: Wu Jun, Shougang Hospital, Peking University

Cough is the most common cause of pediatric outpatient visits in the cold winter, and the dietary precautions for children during coughing are also the most common topics of concern to parents. In general, during the child's cough, the diet is mainly light and easy to digest, which I summarize for everyone as "three should be three taboos".

Drink plenty of water

Water can dilute the secretions of the respiratory tract to a certain extent, which is conducive to the coughing up of sputum in children. Usually, be sure to let children drink more water, preferably warm boiled water. For children over 1 year old, you can drink some warm boiled water with honey added to it, which can play a role in suppressing cough and moisturizing the voice.

It is advisable to drink yam porridge

Yam has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, benefiting the lungs and relieving cough. If the child coughs, you can cook some yam porridge, yam can be cut into pieces or sliced, rice can choose rice, millet or japonica rice, porridge is cooked and then stirred.

It is advisable to eat light food

During the cough, the child's digestive function is weakened, there will be different degrees of appetite decline, and eating light food will not increase the burden on the stomach and intestines. Light food refers to a diet with less oil, less sugar, less salt, and no spicy, that is, foods with a relatively light taste, including thin porridge, clear soup noodles, vegetables, etc. Fruits can be eaten during coughing, but seasonal fruits should be selected, such as apples, pears, etc. in autumn and winter. In the cold winter, you can cook the fruit and give it to the child to eat, so as to avoid raw and cold fruits from irritating the child's stomach and intestines and causing diarrhea.

Avoid cold food

When your child coughs, be sure not to let them eat cold foods, such as cold drinks. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, as long as the human body suffers from cold, it is easy to cause lung damage and cough symptoms. Therefore, if the child still eats cold food when coughing, there will be a problem of lung gas occlusion, which will lead to the treatment effect being affected, and may even lead to aggravation of the disease.

Avoid greasy and spicy foods

Greasy and spicy food can cause the child's cough to be more severe, and it will also lead to an increase in sputum, and the sputum is more viscous and not easy to cough up.

In addition, greasy and spicy foods are not conducive to digestion, and it is not suitable for the weak gastrointestinal tract of children during coughing.

Avoid fishy shrimp and crabs

If the child coughs and has phlegm, then fishy foods cannot be eaten. Mainly because fishy foods have a unique fishy smell, which will irritate the respiratory tract of the child, which will lead to aggravation of cough symptoms and more sputum, which is not conducive to treatment. Seafood foods will also make some children with allergies have allergic reactions after eating, which is worse for some children with allergic coughs.

Source: Beiqing Network

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