
If you can't cough up phlegm, will you get sick if you swallow it?


Although Xiaomei has been Yangkang for a long time,

But find that there is one more thing in your throat from time to time,

That is "phlegm".

(Source: "Friends")

Although there is phlegm in the throat, it does not hurt or itch,

But there is one thing that troubles Xiaomei.

That is... Xiaomei has not coughed up phlegm since she was a child, and has always relied on swallowing!

Seeing others coughing twice, you can easily spit out phlegm,

Xiaomei was envious.

But think about it:

In addition to being a little disgusting, swallowing the phlegm back, it's not a big problem, right?

Is that really the case?

⬇️ And look at the figure below to break down

If you can't cough up phlegm, will you get sick if you swallow it?
If you can't cough up phlegm, will you get sick if you swallow it?
If you can't cough up phlegm, will you get sick if you swallow it?
If you can't cough up phlegm, will you get sick if you swallow it?

Final summary:

1. If the amount of phlegm after Yangkang is not much, occasionally there is sputum, the color is normal (colorless or white sputum), basically can cough up on its own, the general problem is not big.

2. If the sputum cough symptoms persist and have a tendency to worsen, or cough up purulent sputum, yellow sputum or blood in sputum, or accompanied by other symptoms (such as chest pain), it is recommended to see a doctor in time to find out the cause.

3. It is recommended that everyone cough up the phlegm and do not swallow it. When coughing up sputum, pay attention to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, observe the sputum status, then wrap the paper and throw it into the trash, and wash and disinfect your hands in time after the incident.


Xia Guoguang | Chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Beijing Jishuitan Medical Hospital

Shen Qinqin | Attending physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Beijing Jishuitan Medical Hospital


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*Produced by Tencent Medical Codex Content Team

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