
Good morning, today is Friday, February 11, 2022, the eleventh day of the first lunar month. The weather in Urumqi is cloudy, and the temperature is -4 to -11 degrees. Unity is restored, Vientiane is renewed, year after year

author:Wanqiu Western Tianshan Pine

Good morning, today is Friday, February 11, 2022, the eleventh day of the first lunar month. The weather in Urumqi is cloudy, and the temperature is -4 to -11 degrees. Unity restoration, Vientiane renewal, every year is happy, years are safe, wealth is widespread, wealth is auspicious, happiness and health, auspicious and auspicious, auspicious and auspicious, bamboo hugs peace, five blessings full of doors, joyous! Happy Eleventh Day of the First Month!

Good morning, today is Friday, February 11, 2022, the eleventh day of the first lunar month. The weather in Urumqi is cloudy, and the temperature is -4 to -11 degrees. Unity is restored, Vientiane is renewed, year after year

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