
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

author:Lijiang Hotline
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

It was like a migration. Spring is coming, the warm wind blows away the cold air that has accumulated a winter, pack your bags, and a journey of your own is about to begin...

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

On the afternoon of February 9, Lijiang Railway Station gathered 647 migrant workers from four counties and one district, who were about to take a train to Jiangsu to start a new journey of migrant workers.

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

Hong Xiaochang from the ancient city district is one of the migrant workers who went to Jiangsu this time, and this is his third participation in the government-led labor export activities, this time he will go to Kunshan, Jiangsu Province with his fellow villagers.

"If you follow the government, you don't have to pay for your own way, the government will also give condolence money and the like, and you can also be with your fellow villagers, which feels very good." Earn more than Lijiang over there, you can earn seventy or eighty thousand a year, and the extra money can be spent for the family. Hong Xiaochang said.

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

On this train to spring, Li Tiezhu from Shigu Town, Yulong County, also harbored fervent hope.

"This time we went to an electronics factory in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, where we were all wrapped up in food and cloth. The monthly salary will not be less than 6,000 yuan, and there is generally no income at home. I want to go there and earn a little more money to come back and grow medicinal herbs, and after planting medicinal herbs, I will go out to work. In this way, our family's income sources are more, and I believe that our family's life will become more and more prosperous in the future. Li Tiezhu told reporters.

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

The reporter learned that the special train departed from Lijiang Station to Kunming South Railway Station, and transferred to the high-speed rail to Kunshan South Railway Station at Kunming South Railway Station, and the ticket cost of migrant workers was borne by the Lijiang Municipal People's Government and Jiangsu Kunshan Human Resources Service Company. This batch of migrant workers in Jiangsu can get higher wage income after officially going to work, 20,000 yuan for 3 months of work, 70,000 yuan for 11 months of work, which is the same condition, the higher wages that these workers can get, and it is also a higher standard of treatment in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta enterprises. At the same time, the job position is relatively stable and can be employed for a long time.

The city will also start the second special train for migrant workers in 2022 on February 10, and continue to escort 613 migrant workers to Jiangsu to work.

"This centralized output, mainly concentrated in Kunshan, Jiangsu and Wuxi two places, we provide these positions with relatively high income, between 5500 yuan and 8000 yuan per month, basically can achieve 'going out to work for 3 months, guaranteed income of 20,000 yuan', the factory to be responsible for going out and back the road fee, during the factory work, the factory package to eat and live." The total number of exporters is expected to be around 1400. Shu Jinglin, deputy director of the Lijiang Municipal Labor and Employment Service Bureau, told reporters.

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

Employment is the greatest livelihood of the people, so that the majority of workers to achieve full employment, is the people's desire, but also for the government. In recent years, the Lijiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have always attached great importance to the work of ensuring employment, promoting employment and stabilizing employment, always put the transfer of rural labor force employment on the important agenda, and made comprehensive efforts in organizational leadership, policy guarantees, publicity and launch, skills training, smooth channels, employment services, etc. The scale of rural labor transfer employment has been further expanded, the quality of employment has been further improved, and in 2021, the city's 430,000 rural labor force has achieved transfer employment, and transfer employment has become the most effective way to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization. The most direct path has played an important role in promoting the income of the vast number of rural families to become rich.

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

"Happy to go to work, safe and secure to earn money back." Here, we sincerely wish all the migrant workers a full harvest, and the next Spring Festival, they can rejoice and celebrate the New Year!

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope
"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

Reporter/Li Linying

Photo/and Bao Kui Yang Guohui and Yong Hua

Editor/Lin Tong

Responsible editor/and crowd learning

News Hotline/0888—5122344

© Lijiang Radio and Television Station

"Go out to work for 3 months, the guaranteed income is 20,000 yuan", yesterday the workers boarded the train of hope

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