
Breasts are not the same size, and it is also clear that breast asymmetry is directly related to the developmental abnormalities of breasts, thoracic cages and spine, and there are congenital factors that cause breast asymmetry. Breast hypertrophy, breast hypertrophy

author:General Surgery Wu Zeng'an

The breasts are not the same size, and they are still obvious

Breast asymmetry is directly related to the developmental abnormalities of the breasts, thoracic cage and spine, and there are congenital factors that cause breast asymmetry.

Breast hypertrophy, breast hypertrophy is a very common breast development deformity, if breast hypertrophy is accompanied by breast asymmetry, in addition to the asymmetry of breast volume, there will also be asymmetry in the position and shape of the breast.

Breast asymmetry caused by breast hypertrophy is mainly manifested by the degree of bilateral breast sagging, asymmetrical bilateral breast volume, and asymmetrical position of bilateral nipples and subudal folds.

Poles syndrome is a rare deformity of the chest wall, spine, and upper extremities. Pectoralis major muscle defects, breast dysplasia or underdevelopment, and breast deficiency are typical manifestations of Poles' syndrome.

Nodular breast is a congenital breast deformity that is clinically rare and is mainly associated with the overdevelopment of breast glands. Nodular breasts can be characterized by a variety of breast asymmetries such as breast volume, nipples, and asymmetrical position of the underarm folds.

Breast asymmetry is not developed consistently, and unilateral breasts develop too large or too small. According to statistics, about 10.6% of patients who undergo breast augmentation surgery because of asymmetrical breast volume or position have thoracic deformities.

I am Wu Zeng'an, director of general surgery, concerned about women's health, starting here! #Mammary ##健康过大年 #

Breasts are not the same size, and it is also clear that breast asymmetry is directly related to the developmental abnormalities of breasts, thoracic cages and spine, and there are congenital factors that cause breast asymmetry. Breast hypertrophy, breast hypertrophy
Breasts are not the same size, and it is also clear that breast asymmetry is directly related to the developmental abnormalities of breasts, thoracic cages and spine, and there are congenital factors that cause breast asymmetry. Breast hypertrophy, breast hypertrophy

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