
The famous Spartan warriors were admired for their bravery, especially at the Battle of Hot Springs Pass, where three hundred Spartan warriors resisted the Persian army of 300,000 men— all of them good men. However, not all


The famous Spartan warriors were admired for their bravery, especially at the Battle of Hot Springs Pass, where three hundred Spartan warriors resisted the Persian army of 300,000 men— all of them good men.

However, the truth will not be known without a full understanding.

Behind the glory of Sparta is the dark life of the people at the bottom, the cruel blood and tears.

The Spartan slaves, the Shiloh, were mythologically translated as Helos.


Life in TheRouch was extremely difficult, they had to be the vanguard in wartime, but they did not have any rights, and the Spartans could kill them at any time. The Helos (Hilo) were the public property of the Spartans, who often drunk the Herus during festivals and dragged them to public places to be bullied at will. In any case, Helos was flogged once a year, with the aim of keeping his slave status in mind. Even the annual organization of Spartan teenagers to kill the Shiloh (i.e., Kripti) in order to cultivate the fighting spirit of Spartan teenagers and weaken the resistance of the Shilohs.

Even if spartan warriors were legendary warriors, no matter how brave and good they were, they could not hide Spartan's cruel and backward system.

The decline and fall of Sparta is both an inevitable result and a great blessing in the development of history.

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The famous Spartan warriors were admired for their bravery, especially at the Battle of Hot Springs Pass, where three hundred Spartan warriors resisted the Persian army of 300,000 men— all of them good men. However, not all
The famous Spartan warriors were admired for their bravery, especially at the Battle of Hot Springs Pass, where three hundred Spartan warriors resisted the Persian army of 300,000 men— all of them good men. However, not all
The famous Spartan warriors were admired for their bravery, especially at the Battle of Hot Springs Pass, where three hundred Spartan warriors resisted the Persian army of 300,000 men— all of them good men. However, not all

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