
A 19-year-old boy only wants to go to jail for "social terror" knife robbery? There is a group of people who use love to help them return to society...

author:Thoughtful client
"I went to rob just to come in and go to jail and heal." The young man Wang Xin, who was sitting across the interrogation table, spoke in a surprising way. After learning more about the case, the procurator in charge found that behind Wang Xin's outrageous behavior was the result of his suffering from "mixed anxiety disorder" (commonly known as "social phobia").

Can jail really help this young man suffering from a mental illness? After receiving professional feedback from experts on mental illness, the procurators and people's supervisors, professional psychologists, and volunteers of the Songjiang District People's Procuratorate finally chose to use love and care to help the young man return to society.

What is "social terrorism"?

During the interrogation, Wang Xin said that he had serious "social fears."

"Social phobia", also known as "social phobia", is a subtype of phobia neurosis. On the Internet, contemporary young people often use it to mock themselves as a way to express their anxiety and fear of socializing with others. But for Wang Xin, this word is not a joke, but a pain that hits the soul directly.

"I'm always thinking wildly, I can't stop thinking, thinking about things is very complicated, my brain is very chaotic, and I am also disgusted with people around me, I feel very noisy..." Wang Xin described his condition.

Before being caught, Wang Xin was an apprentice in a barbershop, and he could learn techniques and eat and live, which was a good job. However, because of Wang Xin's illness, he was always unable to concentrate on studying, the progress at work was very slow, the technology could not be improved, and he could not make money.

This undoubtedly made him even more depressed and wanted to flee, who was already disturbed by his illness. "So I wanted to go to jail so I could temporarily escape everything from the outside world, from the crowd," he said. ”

So, on the evening of the day before the Spring Festival in 2021, Wang Xin began to implement his prison plan.

He carried a fruit knife with him, found a small convenience store that few people visited, and prepared to start "robbing".

Surveillance video shows that after taking a cigarette handed to him by the convenience store owner, he timidly took two steps back before taking the knife in his pocket and waving it casually next to him as a "threat."

After doing this set of actions, Wang Xin said to the boss: "I rob, you quickly call the police." ”

The boss thought he was joking and ignored him.

Wang Xin had no way, simply took a cigarette and walked outside the door, the boss saw the situation and beckoned him to come back to pay, he "obediently" walked back to the store, and once again said to the boss: "I robbed, you call the police!" ”

The boss still ignored it, and casually took the cigarette in Wang Xin's hand and put it back on the shelf. In desperation, Wang Xin could only call the police at the door of the store and surrender himself.

With such a ridiculous idea, Wang Xin's situation is far from being referred to by the "social terrorism" mentioned on the Internet. After Wang Xin was arrested, the judicial organs asked a professional appraisal agency to conduct a psychiatric examination of him.

The results of the examination are consistent with the results of Wang Xin's self-examination in early 2019, he suffers from "mixed anxiety disorder", and often thinks wildly and feels irritable.

The appraisal results found that Wang Xin had the capacity to limit criminal responsibility for the case and also had the ability to be tried, and in March 2021, the public security organs requested the Songjiang District People's Procuratorate to approve Wang Xin's arrest.

Can jail time cure "social terrorism"?

Can jail time cure "social terrorism"? This is the first question that arises after the undertaking procurator understands the facts of the case, and it is also a difficult problem in the handling of this case in which jurisprudence and reasonableness are intertwined.

According to the various evidence in the case, Wang Xin's actions are indeed enough to constitute the crime of robbery, and according to the law, locking him in a high wall is also the simplest way to deal with it. But can this really resolve social contradictions and really help this young man who is deeply troubled by mental illness?

The procurator in charge first consulted the experts who conducted the psychiatric evaluation for Wang Xin on this issue, and learned about the scientific nature of this "treatment method" from the medical level.

Experts said that in the communication with Wang Xin, it was found that Wang Xin had a clear consciousness, answered the questions to the point, thought coherently, was emotionally stable, and had an appropriate emotional response. Although Wang Xin's control ability was weakened by the influence of psychiatric symptoms, no psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions were found, and there was no abnormality in intelligence, which was still mild. Experts believe that in Wang Xin's current situation, it is unlikely to make extreme behaviors that harm others or hurt himself, and for such patients, social care, family care and targeted scientific treatment are more conducive to the improvement of the disease.

Prosecutors and mental illness experts believe that if Wang Xin is arrested and detained, he will not be able to receive effective treatment, but it will cause his illness to worsen, and may make him a factor of social instability.

However, when he went to the detention center to interrogate Wang Xin, Wang Xin was resolute in demanding that he be detained, and the prosecutor also worried that after his release on guarantee pending further investigation, he would commit another crime or commit self-harm.

What exactly should I do? With the recognition of experts, the prosecutor found Wang Xin's father, Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng said that after the child fell ill, he has always resisted dealing with people, and the same is true for his family. Previously, he thought that the child had been taking medicine, the condition was relatively stable, and he did not want to make the child unhappy because of his appearance, so he tried to disturb the child as little as possible, but made a regular phone call and met with each other, and failed to stop the child's wrong behavior in time. Now that the child has an accident, I will definitely strengthen my supervision of him.

He said that although he was a migrant worker in Shanghai, he now had a stable job and income, and if the procuratorate made a decision not to approve Wang Xin's arrest, he would definitely spend energy taking good care of his son and performing his father's duties well.

Indispensable link is also the opinion of the victim, the convenience store owner. In fact, he said, he did not regard the incident as a robbery at all: "He (Wang Xin) is a child, and he must have encountered something to do it." I didn't have anything to lose, and I didn't even think about calling the police. Therefore, he is willing to issue a letter of understanding for Wang Xin, and also hopes that the procuratorial organs will not pursue Wang Xin's criminal responsibility.

In response to such a complex case, the procurator undertaking the case invited people's supervisors to participate in public hearings and reviews in accordance with legal procedures to hear the opinions of the public. At the hearing, the procurator in charge truthfully told the people's supervisor about the dilemma he faced, whether to catch or not to arrest.

The people's supervisors unanimously believed that with Wang Xin's current mental condition, social and family help was necessary, and that detention awaiting trial would only aggravate his condition, so they unanimously agreed that it would be more appropriate to take non-custodial compulsory measures against Wang Xin, and they agreed not to approve Wang Xin's arrest.

In March 2021, the procuratorial organs made a decision not to approve Wang Xin's arrest after considering various considerations, and the public security organs changed Wang Xin to a compulsory measure for release on guarantee pending further investigation.

How should "social terrorism" be cured?

Wang Xin reluctantly left his "dream" cell, where will he go in the future?

During the public hearing, the procurator not only listened to the opinions of the people's supervisors on the handling of the case, but also studied and discussed with the people's supervisors the issue of Wang Xin's whereabouts after he was released on guarantee pending further investigation, because it was obviously not possible to let him stay at home, and it would only further aggravate his disconnect with society.

Coincidentally, during this public hearing, there happened to be a people's supervisor from the Shanghai Municipal Association of Social Workers. She said at the hearing that she could introduce Wang Xin to volunteer work in a hospital and let him provide volunteer help for medical personnel to use smart phones to make appointments and register in the hospital. Mobile phone operation app is not difficult for young people like Wang Xin. Moreover, the psychological satisfaction of helping others is also a positive incentive after socialization for Wang Xin, and it is recommended that Wang Xin find a way to deal with others and return to society in such a warm and gentle way.

In addition, the procurator also contacted special psychological experts to conduct psychological counseling for Wang Xin many times, helping him to correctly face his own illness and give him scientific treatment.

After communicating with Wang Xin, he agreed to the job and quickly took up his post.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of Wang Xin's investigation and education measures, procurators, professional psychologists, medical personnel, and volunteers set up a WeChat group to keep abreast of Wang Xin's work performance and mental condition, and dynamically adjust the measures for Wang Xin's help and education according to the situation. According to feedback, Wang Xin has performed well in the volunteer work of the hospital, and has also won praise from the hospital and medical personnel for collecting gold. Although he still does not dare to open his mouth, talk to people and dare not look directly at each other, psychological experts believe that the course of treatment of mental illness can be long or short, and sufficient patience should be given.

In June 2021, the case was transferred for review for prosecution. The procurator in charge of the case interrogated Wang Xin again. In this interrogation, Wang Xin's performance was the same as that of the previous sentence.

The procurator in charge of the case still remembers Wang Xin's decadent and depressed appearance during the review and arrest stage, and also remembers that Wang Xin was very resistant to being released on guarantee pending further investigation, and felt that he had a good life in the detention center.

At this time, Wang Xin's mental outlook was obviously much more perked up, and he deeply regretted his previous actions. He said that he was fully aware of the absurdity and mistakes of his actions, although he admitted guilt and accepted punishment as before, but this time, he did not want to go to the detention center to "treat the disease", he realized that life is beautiful, freedom is precious, and hoped that the procuratorate could give him a chance to reform himself. At present, his illness has improved, and he is confident that he will be able to cure himself.

After another public hearing and review, the procurator undertook the case to hear the opinions of people's supervisors, investigative organs, and other parties to ensure that the decision not to arrest or prosecute a felony case conforms to the social cognition of ordinary people and is generally recognized by society. In the end, the people's supervisors, the investigation organs, the victims, and other parties all agreed to make a decision not to prosecute Wang Xin.

At this point, this absurd robbery case has finally been settled. Up to now, the undertaker procurator still continues to pay attention to Wang Xin's growth through the WeChat work group, and provides advice and necessary help for his study, employment and treatment, and the volunteers and caring people in the group also continue to find a way out for Wang Xin's follow-up life, apply for relevant subsidies for him, take him to the Open University to consult the majors that can be applied for, and contact him to learn technology and trade channels. (The characters in this article are pseudonyms)

Source: Thoughtful Shanghai

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