
Tearful eyes, a letter written by the nurse's wife to the doctor's husband


A letter from a nurse's wife to her doctor's husband quickly went viral on the Internet. The author of this letter is Liang Shuhua, an orthopedic nurse at Jiangmen People's Hospital, who said that writing this letter is not only to express her love for her husband, but also hope that more people can understand the family situation of doctors and nurses, so that medical staff can get more social understanding.

Tearful eyes, a letter written by the nurse's wife to the doctor's husband

Doctor, I want to say to you...

I know that this white coat is the life you have chosen, and saving lives and helping the injured is your duty - doctor.

I'm a nurse and I'm a doctor. From the first day I met him, I knew that he greatly admired the Tang Dynasty physician Sun Simiao. Because at that time, what he said to me was not love words, but quoted Sun Simiao's "Great Physician Essence": "Whoever heals the disease will be calm and determined, have no desires and no needs, first send great compassion and compassion, and vow to seek the suffering of the soul... Do not avoid danger, day and night, cold and heat, hunger and thirst, fatigue, single-mindedly to rescue, no kung fu traces of the heart. This can be the great doctor of the heavens. "What a respected, holy and great profession a doctor is. It is you white-clad warriors who use the spirit of selflessness to save lives, save lives and help the injured, so that those who face despair can regain the courage to live. Your gentle greetings also give the patient's lonely heart a sweet spring. Usually we only see the bright side of doctors, but when doctors work hard to interpret this profession, the sweat of careful diagnosis and treatment for patients, and the doubts, insults and slanders that some patients' families do not understand, and even violent confrontations, how many people can understand and appreciate the tears that flow into their hearts?

In fact, the "husband and wife" of medical staff is full of all kinds of hardships, bitterness and exhaustion. Every day at home, after the meal time, the husband is still serving the patient and forgets to go home; the family is sick and hospitalized without accompanying; every holiday must stick to the clinical frontline post; the child's kindergarten activities or parents' meetings do not have time to participate... My child and I must have been wronged in our hearts...

But every time I see you too late to eat, you are still busy with work, you see the seriously ill patients want to get hope from you, patience and comfort, see your red eyes are still watching medical videos, analyzing cases and reading medical literature, seeing the patients and their families do not understand your helpless, sad and aggrieved look, seeing you work overtime or rescue the patient back home tired look... My grievances turned into heartache, and I had no reason to make unreasonable trouble anymore. Especially since I am a medical worker and your wife, I must better understand the nature of this industry. So I often teach my children to understand and love dad, because dad is engaged in a noble profession!

When you are on duty, if I happen to rest, I will prepare meals and bring you food with my children, just so that you can eat a hot meal, and by the way, let the children see their father's work moments. The child said childishly, "Daddy is helping uncle see a doctor, lol, lol." A simple sentence proves that the child also understands his father's hardships and begins to understand things, which is gratifying.

I like the look of joy and satisfaction on the handsome face when you excitedly tell us that another cured patient has sent a thank-you note, a pennant, or a successful case of surgery.

The efforts of doctors, good medical ethics and excellent professional skills are worthy of everyone's praise, praise and respect. In today's society, there are still some people who are selfish and selfish, regardless of the negative impact on society, use radical methods to achieve their own goals, and deliberately destroy the good doctor-patient relationship, which makes me angry and sad for the doctors. I only hope that more people will face the world with a grateful heart, have more understanding, more love, less rebuke, less resentment, give doctors full trust and respect, and promote a harmonious and beautiful society together.

Nurse Leung Shu Wah

The nurse's wife said: I feel wronged in my heart, but it is more about understanding

Liang Shuhua is an orthopedic nurse at Jiangmen People's Hospital, and her husband is Wu Xiantao, a cardiovascular physician in the same hospital, and the medical couple did not spend much time together because of their work relationship. Sometimes, Liang Shuhua worked the night shift and her husband went on duty; when her husband came home from work, she was already on her way to work, and the two sometimes even met for several days.

The medical "husband and wife file" has all kinds of hardships, bitterness and exhaustion. Liang Shuhua said helplessly: "Sometimes we are too busy, and if we have to work overtime, we will bring the child to the duty room, let him sit next to us, and let him read and write by himself." If two people are on duty, it can only trouble the old man to come out to help with the children, so we will try to stagger the duty time. Children used to cry, but now he knew that Mom and Dad were busy and used to it. ”

In addition to the little time spent with the child, Liang Shuhua also complained that the doctor's husband also had little time to accompany him. When she first got married, she would wait at home for her husband to come back for dinner, but often couldn't wait. From pregnancy to childbirth, her husband did not accompany her to the obstetric examination, fortunately, he was not on duty on the day of giving birth, he accompanied her...

Liang Shuhua and the child are aggrieved in their hearts, however, for her husband's work, she is more understanding. She said: "I am a medical worker, I know the nature of the industry better, I understand his work very well, so I often teach my children to understand Dad, because Dad is engaged in a noble profession!" ”

The doctor's husband said: I feel a lot of feelings, and I am very grateful to my wife for her understanding

Wu Xiantao saw this letter and felt a lot of feelings, he said: "Her letter has recorded the normalcy of our lives. In life, she does not ask for much, when I am busy with work, she often brings her own children, very grateful to my wife for her support and understanding of me. ”

This year is the fifth year of Wu Xiantao's work, and when it comes to his usual work status, he said: "One word: busy! Doctors often work in plans that can't keep up with changes. "He usually comes to the hospital twenty or thirty minutes early to understand the patient's condition, then goes to the round, receives the patient, writes the medical record... Cardiovascular disease patients change rapidly, and there are patients coming at any time, and many times they cannot leave work on time. His mobile phone has to be turned on 24 hours a day, sometimes late at night needs to be rescued, as soon as the call comes, he will be in place immediately. Once, on a rare rest day, Wu Xiantao, his wife and children went back to their hometown to reunite with their families, and they were eating at the time, wu Xiantao received a call from the hospital and immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks, and rushed to the hospital.

Wu Xiantao said that if you count the time spent, you may not be a good father and husband, but other aspects are still passable, and the sentence he most wants to say to his wife is: "Thank you for understanding." ”

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