
How to make children go from inferiority to self-confidence?

As the saying goes, "when the forest is big, there are birds", and every year among the children I teach, there will be children with more inferiority.

The performance of these children can generally be summarized as:

(Alone) to be safe,

Fear of taking responsibility.

(Communication) not active,

(In-round) gradually transparent.

Specific manifestations are:

Don't communicate much with classmates and like to sit there "safely" alone. That is, do not seek merit, but seek excessive "safety" without fault.

Don't try strange things, be afraid of making mistakes, and take responsibility. So nothing is touched about anything that could have consequences, so its growth is relatively slow.

Even if you know the answer, you will not speak because you are afraid of others pointing fingers and the teacher is not satisfied. That is: afraid of being the object of other people's comments, like to be transparent people.

What it is is:

From childhood inferiority into a habit,

Pray for fear of not taking the initiative.

Missed the trial and error period of growth,

Fear of mistake becomes the greatest mistake.

According to expert research, the causes of inferiority are usually nothing more than the following:

1, their own defects give rise to inferiority: such as height, appearance, posture, skin color is not as good as people.

2, poor families have inferiority: transportation, clothing, pocket money, toys, etc. are inferior to people.

3, suffer setbacks and inferiority: suffer setbacks and will not adjust to themselves.

4, no love environment produces inferiority: such as parents often blame, too high requirements, often take shortcomings than others advantages, etc.

5, the substitution of the package leads to less experience in growth, and it is easy to have inferiority in case of trouble.


As the saying goes, "A key opens a lock." "Compared with the above reasons, finding the main reason for the child's inferiority can be used to treat the symptoms in a silent way to help the child grow self-confidence."

1. For children who are not confident in themselves, parents should prompt children to "face up to their shortcomings and learn to turn over the disk" in the specific scenes of life.

2. For children born in poor families, parents should tell their children to "cherish themselves and not be humble to others."

3. For children who suffer setbacks and have low self-esteem, parents should "promote reform with cases", teach adjustment methods, and help children establish self-improvement habits.

4. For children who love less, parents should make fewer accusations and give more specific guidance. Lower the standard and compare less, and point out the reason for the child more.

5. Parents who often do things in place of their children should stop immediately. Let the children try more and grow up in trial and error.

In a word: "Love-based, find the reason; moisturize silently, skillful help." In this way, children with low self-esteem will definitely regain self-confidence, return to themselves, and become better selves.

How to make children go from inferiority to self-confidence?
How to make children go from inferiority to self-confidence?

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