
Ready to have a baby? Do you know all these aspects?

Every couple in the preparation of pregnancy wants to have a healthy and intelligent child, then, before pregnancy, both the couple planned physical and psychological preparation, it is very important for eugenics!

Ready to have a baby? Do you know all these aspects?

1. Pre-pregnancy health examination and pre-pregnancy consultation

It is recommended that both husband and wife go to the hospital for a pre-pregnancy health examination 3-6 months before pregnancy. The purpose of the preconception physical examination is to understand the health of both spouses and whether there are any diseases that affect fertility.

Be sure to consult a doctor about the results of the preconception physical examination. If you have a disease that is not suitable for pregnancy, it is best to get pregnant again after being cured or under the guidance of a doctor.

If there is a history of fertility, miscarriage, or other disorders that may cause fertility disorders, or for elderly couples, it is recommended to try to conceive under the evaluation and guidance of a doctor.

2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is very important for couples trying to conceive! It is recommended to start at least 3 months before pregnancy, maintain a regular schedule, eat a balanced diet, and quit bad habits such as smoking and drinking.

Proper exercise is recommended during pregnancy preparation to keep your body in good shape. If the woman is overweight, she should lose weight before pregnancy, as obesity can make it difficult to conceive and increase the risk of maternal and child complications during pregnancy. If the weight is too low, it is also necessary to pay attention to whether there are malnutrition, anemia and other problems, and correct them before pregnancy.

Women should start folic acid supplementation or a multivitamin containing folic acid in the first 3 months of pregnancy, which is conducive to reducing the risk of fetal neural tube malformations.

Ready to have a baby? Do you know all these aspects?

3. Maintain a happy mood and actively try pregnancy

A relaxed, pleasant mood contributes to a successful conception. Now due to people's work and life pressure, many couples take pregnancy as a task, once they start to prepare, they hope to complete it efficiently, once they fail, both couples will be nervous, anxious, and it is more difficult to get pregnant.

Studies have found that anxiety and stress can destabilize the environment in the human body, causing imbalances in the neuroendocrine system.

Normal couples have a 20% chance of pregnancy per cycle, women only ovulate once a month menstrual cycle, ovulation time may be affected by many factors may be advanced or postponed, some couples only arrange intercourse during ovulation, in fact, it is easy to miss the ovulation period.

Pregnancy is a process of continuous attempts, must be with a positive attitude to try pregnancy, it is recommended that pregnant couples have sex once every 3-4 days, generally will not miss the ovulation period.

4. Have high risk factors or fertility problems, and require a fertility doctor

If there are high-risk factors that affect fertility, such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, a history of gynecological diseases or gynecological surgery, or a history of thyroid dysfunction, tuberculosis, etc., which may affect pregnancy, it is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible.

If the woman is over 35 years old, or if both spouses are older and have risk factors for fertility decline, it is recommended to go to the reproductive department for evaluation.

For young couples who do not have high risk factors, if they have not been pregnant after one year of trying to conceive, it is recommended to go to the reproductive department for examination, find out the cause, and carry out fertility in a timely manner, so as not to miss the best age for childbearing.

Ready to have a baby? Do you know all these aspects?

In short, pregnancy and childbirth is an important process that most couples of childbearing age have to go through, and they must be physically and psychologically prepared before pregnancy, try pregnancy with a positive attitude, and seek the help of a reproductive doctor if necessary, in order to make a good pregnancy come true!

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