
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!

The National Pregnancy and Baby Network is an official platform created by financial funds and sponsored by the Population and Culture Development Center of the National Health Commission, and is an authoritative official website for knowledge science popularization integrating pregnancy and child-rearing. The service content includes pregnancy preparation, pregnancy, postpartum, childcare, preschool education, training, childcare, publicity, display, policies and regulations, etc.

Caesarean section is a form of delivery that is taken in some special cases for your and your baby's safety. Today I will talk to you about the most common surgery in obstetrics.

1. Signature

Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!

2. Preoperative preparation

Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!

3. Anesthesia

Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!

4. Surgery

Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!

5. Postoperative period

Caesarean section detailed flow chart!

Go to the pillow and lie flat for 6 hours

Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!
Caesarean section detailed flow chart!

Breast milk is the ideal natural food for babies,

In addition, it can also promote the mother's milk production and uterine contractions.

Breastfeeding positions are preferably lying on the side and soccer ball.

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