
The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

Many couples hope to have a tiger baby of "tiger tiger and tiger power", and the first wave of tiger babies in the year of the tiger has been born, for mothers, it is not so easy to raise the baby into a tiger-headed tiger treasure.

Babies 6 months ago could only eat breast milk or formula, and in comparison, breast milk was far better than formula in all aspects, so mothers also wanted to do their best to exclusively breastfeed their babies.

But helplessly many mothers, on the road of breastfeeding, the persistence is not very smooth, either breast milk is not enough for the baby to eat, or the quality of breast milk is not good, resulting in the growth and development of the baby is not up to standard.

What can be done to improve the quality of breast milk? Mothers may wish to try this "3 + 3" advice, increment + quality, so that mothers have more breast milk, let the baby eat chubby!

The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

Step 1: Increase the "amount" by 3 steps

Mothers who do not have enough breast milk to eat are often encountered because they are very troublesome to feed their babies.

Yesterday I also saw a new father asking "I think my wife's breast milk is not enough for my baby to eat, what should I do?" ”

In this case, you can try to chase milk, And according to her own experience, Beijing mothers have summarized a few more effective methods of milk chasing, and mothers with insufficient breast milk also try.

Keep the mammary ducts unblocked

The whole process of the baby's feeding is: the baby sucks, the mother's brain receives the "stimulation signal", begins to secrete breast milk, and the continuous milk passes through the breast canal and enters the baby's mouth.

The breast duct is the pipe that transports breast milk, and if it is not smooth or completely unblocked, it will inevitably affect the outflow of breast milk. If you want to have a lot of breast milk, keeping the mammary ducts open is the first step.

Two steps can be taken to achieve this: let your baby suck more, and apply RF with a warm towel before feeding to promote blood circulation and help the milk flow smoothly.

The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

Let your baby suck more

We have all heard that "the strength of breastfeeding is used", to describe the strength, but also shows that the baby suckling is a hard job.

Actually, babies are the best breast pumps!

Let the baby suck more, not only can "suck" the unintelligible breast canal, but also help to frequently send "stimulation signals" to the mother, promote milk secretion, and further increase the amount of breast milk.

The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

Mom do a good job of "auxiliary blessing"

Breast milk is produced and secreted by the mother's body, and the quality of breast milk has a lot to do with the mother herself. If you want more breast milk, your mother must do a good job of "auxiliary blessing".

We have all heard that "anger will return to milk", the amount of breast milk is more or less, and it is indeed related to the mother's mood and emotions.

Breastfeeding mothers try to maintain a comfortable and relaxed mood, avoid tension and anxiety, and pay more attention to rest.

In addition, most of the breast milk is water, want to increase the amount of breast milk, the mother should also be more "hydrated", in addition to drinking water, but also appropriate to drink more porridge soup (especially milk soup), milk, soy milk and so on.

The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

Step 2: Mention the "quality" 3 guarantee

Some mothers have a lot of breast milk, enough for the baby to eat every day, but after a period of time, the baby's growth and development indicators are not good, height and weight have not increased, which may be breast milk "insufficient nutrition", we must pay attention to "quality improvement"!

The quality of breast milk is determined by the mother's diet nutrition, if the mother is usually picky eating, many foods are not eaten, and even have malnutrition, then the nutrition of breast milk will inevitably be affected, and the baby's growth and development will also be affected.

Therefore, in order to give the baby adequate nutritional supply, the mother must pay attention to her own diet and nutrition, try to be as diverse as possible every day, and ensure that each type of nutrient intake is sufficient.

However, there is a small misunderstanding to remind: adequate nutrition≠ eat big supplements.

Some elderly people will give nursing mothers a variety of supplements, big fish and meat every day, but also eat ginseng, bird's nest, sea cucumbers, etc., think that eating like this, mother's milk must be nutritious.

Not really! Only eating certain types of food, can only supplement part of the nutrition, can not achieve the purpose of nutritional balance, but will be due to unreasonable diet structure, resulting in insufficient nutrition, easy to gain weight and so on.

The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

How should I eat a diet that improves the quality of breast milk? To follow these 3 principles:

Light and varied.

The variety of types helps to supplement different kinds of nutrition, and the postpartum mother and baby have weak gastrointestinal function, should not eat too greasy, and should not eat raw cold, spicy and irritating food.

Eat regularly, eat less and eat more meals.

Nursing mothers are not eating as much as possible, on the basis of paying attention to nutrition, you can adhere to the principle of eating less and eating more meals.

Pay attention to rest and maintain a good attitude.

If the mother is always in a state of exhaustion and lack of sleep, the endocrine system will be disrupted, which will affect the secretion of milk, and also affect the absorption and conversion of nutrients in milk.

In short, if you want to raise the baby into a "little tiger", the first step for the mother to do is to ensure the baby's rations. And for mothers whose breast milk is not good, these methods to improve the quality of breast milk in the front can be tried.

If you want your baby to be healthy, not sick, and smarter, you must not only "eat" well, but also "raise" well.

Usually do a good job of daily care, according to the development of the baby at different stages, do a good job of the corresponding early education exercises, so that the baby wins on the starting line!

The Year of the Tiger raises the baby to be "tiger head tiger brain", the breastfeeding mother does 3 + 3, and the breast milk is more fat

How long does your baby eat breast milk? Have you ever tried to chase milk, come and share your experience and advice with your mothers?

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