
Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: When the egg is about to be discharged, the female body will receive 3 signals

Many women like to calculate their own ovulation period, but due to various reasons such as the body, the ripening period of each egg is not exactly the same, just like the peach on a peach tree, the ripening time is also somewhat different.

Of course, this is affected by many factors, including work and rest, diet, work fatigue and personal emotions. Of course, the healthier the body, the stronger and more regular the ability to control all this, so many times there will be a certain error in the calculation, and the result may be very "embarrassing".

Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: When the egg is about to be discharged, the female body will receive 3 signals

In fact, to know when to ovulate, we don't need to bother to calculate, because when you are about to ovulate, the body will send some signals, which is a reminder that you need to make corresponding preparations.

When the egg is about to be released, the female body will receive 3 signals, and men and women should understand it

Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: When the egg is about to be discharged, the female body will receive 3 signals

Signal one, the anus will have a significant feeling of falling swelling

Mature eggs are released from the surface of the ovary, and must pass through the follicle when discharging from the ovary, so that a small amount of fluid in the follicle will flow to the pelvic area together, which will make the anus feel like it is swollen. There are also some women who have mild pain in the lower abdomen, which is generally less pronounced and is often ignored by women.

If a woman looks like this for about 7 days after menstruation, these conditions may be a sign of egg maturation.

Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: When the egg is about to be discharged, the female body will receive 3 signals

Signal two, increased secretions

At the time of ovulation, the vaginal discharge will increase significantly and will continue until near the end of menstruation. The vaginal discharge during this period will appear in a relatively clear and transparent, or translucent latex state, which can be lifted into silk, and the amount is also large, and it often stains the underwear. There are many probiotics in the vaginal discharge that can kill foreign bacteria and thus protect human health.

Ovulation stimulates the ovaries to secrete a large amount of estrogen and progesterone, and the cervical opening is slightly open, and a small amount of fluid flows out and mixes with the vaginal discharge, resulting in increased secretions. Therefore, women who need to prepare for pregnancy should pay attention to this phenomenon and seize the best time to conceive.

Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: When the egg is about to be discharged, the female body will receive 3 signals

Signal 3, small amount bleeding

Some women have a small amount of bleeding during ovulation, which is significantly different from menstrual bleeding, usually only a little more bloody discharge, and soon ends with the usual two-day eating. It is also normal to have a little more blood capillary during ovulation and does not require too much care.

In general, the appearance of a woman's eggs 18 hours after discharge is the best time to conceive, and the stronger the ability to conceive. Male sperm generally have the ability to conceive within 2 days after entering the body.

Therefore, how to choose reasonable contraception, generally in the ovulation period 2 days before the appearance of the corresponding measures; If you want to have a good "pregnant gas", you should seize the time around 18 hours after ovulation. So both men and women should know about it.

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