
Life and death speed! A pregnant woman in Nanchang gave birth at the entrance of the hospital, and the fetus was born in the crotch of her pants...

"The ghost door is closed and walked"! This sentence is often used to describe the thrill of pregnant women's childbirth, recently, a pregnant woman in Nanchang experienced "nine deaths in a lifetime" at the entrance of the hospital...

Pregnant women are about to give birth, just walked to the door of the hospital to start childbirth, the child was actually born in the crotch of the mother, in a critical moment, the medical staff emergency treatment, in order to save life staged a life and death speed, and finally the mother and child are safe, this thrilling scene occurred in Nanchang Jinxian County People's Hospital.

Life and death speed! A pregnant woman in Nanchang gave birth at the entrance of the hospital, and the fetus was born in the crotch of her pants...

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"Doctor doctor, pregnant women are about to give birth." At about 12:20 on February 23, two family members rushed to the hospital door with a pregnant woman in their arms and called. Wu Hong, deputy head nurse of the emergency department, and nurse Li Lingli, after hearing the call, immediately ran out to check the situation and found that the maternal amniotic fluid had been broken, the fetus had been delivered, and the maternal pants had been soaked with amniotic fluid... Immediately, Wu Hong hurriedly pushed the flat cart and brought a quilt to keep the mother and baby warm, and at the same time contacted the obstetrics and gynecology department to prepare and transfer it to the delivery room.

In the face of an emergency, the rescue work began immediately. Subsequently, after a series of rescue treatments, looking at the white baby and the emotionally stable mother, everyone showed a knowing smile, and the maternal family took the doctor's hand and said excitedly: "I really met the living bodhisattva, we came alone, two people returned, thank you to the medical staff of the hospital!" ”

Life and death speed! A pregnant woman in Nanchang gave birth at the entrance of the hospital, and the fetus was born in the crotch of her pants...

Ms. Ye, the mother, said that this is the first child, around 12 o'clock on the day of the incident, she was woken up by a sharp contraction pain, felt that she was about to give birth, so she arrived at the hospital accompanied by her family, did not expect that the baby could not wait, just arrived at the hospital was born.

Recalling the thrilling scene at that time, Ms. Ye admitted that she was especially grateful to the medical staff who helped her, and it was precisely because they reached out in time that she and the baby could be safe.

Source: Jiangxi News Client

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