
Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: About the 6 "whys" of polycystic, there must be your doubts here!

Many infertile patients go to the hospital for examination, the results are polycystic ovary syndrome, in recent years, the occurrence of polycystic population is also gradually growing, for this endocrine disease that makes it difficult to get pregnant, I believe you have a lot of questions, let's take a look at it together, about the polycystic 6 "why", here must be your doubts!

Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: About the 6 "whys" of polycystic, there must be your doubts here!

1. Before the menstruation was normal, the recent menstruation was irregular, may it be polycystic?

The formation of menstruation depends on the neuroendocrine response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian-uterine coordination, and any problem in any of these links can lead to the absence of menstruation. POLYCYS OVARY SYNDROME can cause menstrual periods to not come. However, the reason for menstruation is not only this one, in addition to polycystic, but also affected by many factors, such as excessive dieting and weight loss, cold and overwork, tumor interference with endocrine hormones, abortion curettage on the uterine cavity damage and so on. For specific reasons for menstruation, it is necessary to go to the test to determine the cause.

Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: About the 6 "whys" of polycystic, there must be your doubts here!

2. Why does polycysticism affect pregnancy, and can it still get pregnant naturally?

Normal women generally have a mature follicle excreted every month. The presence of hyperandrogens and hyperinsulinemia in polycysts, hormone and metabolic abnormalities lead to the accumulation of more than a dozen or twenty small follicles in the ovaries, which are immature and ovulation is impaired, which affects conception. However, polycystic patients do not necessarily not have to be pregnant, but the probability of pregnancy is smaller than that of normal people, but there is still a possibility of pregnancy, and many patients successfully ovulate after self-conditioning or corresponding treatment to achieve the purpose of pregnancy.

3. Is it possible to ignore it without fertility requirements and then do treatment when you want to get pregnant?

The harm of polycystics to women is not only menstrual incompatibility and infertility, but also treatment even if there is no fertility requirement. Because if it is not treated for a long time, it is easy to lead to some complications. When you want to get pregnant, the internal environment disorder is not conducive to conception, which is also one of the many factors that many patients are infertile, difficult to implant after embryo transfer, and high abortion rates. So, don't think that without fertility requiring polycystics, you don't need treatment, this is a wrong idea.

Nanchang Huaershan Hospital Science Popularization: About the 6 "whys" of polycystic, there must be your doubts here!

4, the figure is not fat and no acne, why is it sac?

This problem should also be a question for many people, and the performance of polycystics in different people may vary greatly. A diagnosis of polycystic is sufficient if two of the following three are met: ovulation disorder B ultrasound suggests bilateral or unilateral ovarian polycystic status. Hyperandrogenemia or clinical hyperandrogen manifestations. Other disorders such as neoplastic disorders and hyperadreneism, which can also cause anovulation and hyperandrogenemia, should be ruled out prior to diagnosis. Some patients will have some metabolic abnormalities, and some patients will have significant weight gain and obesity. But not every patient will have symptoms of obesity or acne, and no obesity or acne does not mean that there is no possibility of polycystic.

5. What is the difference between polycystic pregnancy and ordinary people in obstetric examination?

In fact, there is no big difference between polycystic expectant mothers and normal expectant mothers of normal childbearing age in obstetric examinations. However, polycystic expectant mothers are prone to some pregnancy complications during pregnancy, and they need to protect the fetus, so it is recommended that polycystic patients should communicate more with doctors, timely obstetric examinations, and during pregnancy, polycystic expectant mothers try to spend more effort on blood sugar control, weight management, etc., but also do not be too nervous, so that they are under great pressure. As long as the obstetric examination is regular, follow the doctor's guidance, correct monitoring and intervention will not be a problem.

6. Multiple sacs are promoted for multiple times, and they all have advantages in follicles, why can't they be pregnant with the same room?

The causes of infertility are complex, and ovulation disorders are common causes in polycystic patients, but infertility caused by other factors is not ruled out. Such as tubal-related conditions, immune factors, sperm abnormalities and so on. Therefore, if other infertility factors are combined, even if there are dominant follicles that have been promoted multiple times, it is possible that they may not be able to conceive successfully. At this time, the most important thing is to find out the cause and treat the symptoms. Another point is that if the time of intercourse is not appropriate, it will also lead to difficulty in pregnancy, and you can choose to have intercourse during ovulation, and the chance of conception will be higher.

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