
Why the fetus stops, these are the main reasons you need to know!

Fetal stoppage refers to the phenomenon that the embryo stops developing in the first three months of pregnancy. There are many causes of fetal arrest, and they are relatively complex, which may be a single cause or a variety of reasons. Therefore, in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to make relevant preparations and adjustments from multiple details. In order to ensure that the fetus can develop smoothly, it also reduces the incidence of fetal arrest. So, why are there so many tire stops now?

Why the fetus stops, these are the main reasons you need to know!

Why does the fetus stop

In fact, after every woman becomes pregnant, she will always try her best to protect the fetus and allow the fetus to grow and develop better. But not every protection can make the fetus 100% effective, so in terms of the cause of fetal arrest, we need to combine clinical cases and studies and other related data. Roughly explain what are the reasons for the increase in the probability of fetal arrest, and can allow pregnant women to better do relevant prevention in detail.

Usually, the main causes of fetal arrest are:

1, the survival of the fittest: the embryo after implantation, does not mean that it can develop smoothly. If the quality of the embryo itself is not up to standard or there is a defect, the self-adjustment mechanism of survival of the fittest will be carried out physiologically. Therefore, some embryo quality problems will naturally stop within three months.

2. Low progesterone: The level of progesterone indicators represents the change in the degree of nutrition available. Therefore, when the progesterone index is too low and cannot provide the nutrition required by the fetus, it will naturally lead to the inability of the embryo to continue to develop and stop on its own after the lack of nutrition has reached a certain level.

3, the mother has autoimmune problems: pregnant women's own immune system is abnormal, but also directly affect a series of reactions inside the body. And after causing fetal development disorders, it eventually leads to the occurrence of fetal stoppage.

4. Estradiol decline: Once the indicators of estradiol are in a declining state, it will directly affect the stability of the frequency of fetal heartbeat beating. Therefore, if the indicator is too low and cannot maintain the normal operation of the fetal heart rate, there will definitely be fetal stoppage.

5. Maternal diseases: For the occurrence of diseases such as hyperthyroidism, abnormal coagulation function, and high uterine arteries, it will also directly affect the actual development of the fetus and induce fetal arrest.

There are many reasons for fetal arrest, and each reason is closely related to the constitution of the pregnant woman and the needs of fetal development. Therefore, if there is no effective conditioning for the body before pregnancy, as long as the pregnant woman's body has certain problems or abnormal obstacles, it will naturally lead to the occurrence of fetal arrest. Therefore, after pregnancy, it is necessary to pay more attention to the body and understand its many related indicators. Once it is found that there is an abnormality in the physical aspect, it is necessary to carry out reasonable treatment and conditioning to reduce the possibility of fetal arrest.

Whether the pregnant woman's stomach will become smaller after fetal arrest

Fetal cessation is a stage of miscarriage, usually on ultrasonography can find fetal sac dysplasia or observation for 1 to 2 weeks does not grow, or from fetal heart to no fetal heart. Fetal abortation means that the fetus has died in the mother's body, and its main clinical manifestation is that the pregnancy reaction disappears, and vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain may occur, but not always.

In fact, fetal cessation is very harmful to pregnant women, whether it is psychological or physical, it will bear huge pressure and impact. At present, there are many reasons for fetal cessation of pregnancy in pregnant women, such as decreased progesterone during pregnancy, interference from external factors, uterine malformations of pregnant women, and uterine malformations of pregnant women. Whatever the cause of fetal arrest, it needs to be taken seriously. Fetal cessation is a case in which death is confirmed after the fetus stops developing, although the fetus has no vital activity at this time, but the fetus remains in the mother's body until the moment when it stops developing. At this time, the pregnant woman's belly will not change anything, nor will it become smaller. Moreover, the fetus has not yet naturally flowed out of the body and needs to be miscarried before it is excreted.

In the case of fetal cessation, some women may have mild vaginal bleeding, and the color of the bleeding is close to black red or bright red. If not detected in time, pregnant women will feel the lower abdomen falling and there will be painful sensations. In general, after suspected embryos are stopped, they can be observed or preserved for 1 to 2 weeks, and then ultrasonography is done to confirm the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is clear, it is necessary to undergo uterine evacuation or medical abortion treatment in time, after which the pregnant woman's stomach may become smaller.

All in all, after the fetus stops developing, as long as it is still in the pregnant woman's belly, the shape of the pregnant woman does not change in appearance. It's just that some pregnancy symptoms will suddenly disappear or there will be symptoms of inflammation and fever. However, in order to confirm whether there is fetal cessation, it is still necessary to carry out a professional examination.

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