
Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

author:Roll up chat for entertainment
Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

In the 1970s, there was originally a beautiful village in Yunnan called Alahe.

It is very remote, but it is peaceful, there is no hustle and bustle of the city, no industrial pollution, and people live in isolation.

But such a village is filled with an eerie atmosphere.

Healthy people died suddenly, without warning, becoming what people called a village of death.

In those 50 years, 48 people died mysteriously without warning. What's the weird thing behind this?

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

On a July morning, villager Luo Fujin was doing farm work in the fields as usual.

Suddenly, I heard my sister-in-law running to herself in a hurry and shouting:

"Cousin, help, help, my family's double happiness is dying, hurry up and save him."

Luo Fujin looked confused, threw down his hoe and ran desperately to his home.

But it was still too late to enter the house, and my cousin stopped breathing, lying on the cold ground, with no chance of rescue at all.

Luo Fujin was stunned, he didn't know how his cousin walked, everything happened too suddenly.

And this is not the first time this has happened in the village.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

Just when the house was busy, only to hear a "poof", the sister-in-law who was crying fell into the arms of her mother-in-law.

Then suddenly there was no breathing, like a cousin who had no signs of life.

Imagine why two people who are physically fit on a normal day die suddenly? What's going on here?

According to the mother-in-law's recollection, the couple was cooking at home at that time, and Shuangxi used firewood to gas the stove.

Since it had just rained, the firewood was a little damp and difficult to ignite, so Shuangxi approached the stove and blew hard.

But just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly fell straight down, strange death,

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

But this kind of bizarre death is not at all unusual for the villagers, there are many more than this terrible death, and once they die, they are two or three people.

The villagers have always felt that the village is shrouded in a mysterious force of death, because 48 people have died suddenly in fifty years.

One after another bizarre things happened in the village.

No, early the next morning, there was a sudden and bizarre death of a neighbor, The Rossilin family of five.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

Rossilin's father died at an early age, leaving only his mother, grandfather, brother and sister.

Lorrainesy took on the burden of the family early, because his brother was distressed and thought that he would sleep more, and he was not willing to wake him up.

But until near noon, he found that his brother was still sleeping, so he pushed his brother to prepare to wake him up and eat.

But this push directly frightened Rossilin to the ground, because at this time, his brother had no reaction.

Subsequently, he pulled his brother up hard but found that his face was already pale.

And his body convulsed and accompanied by shortness of breath, it was very painful to see his brother.

Rossilin ran out the door desperately, calling the doctor in half the usual three-hour journey.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

After the doctor's examination, he did not see anything and hung a hanging bottle.

After half an hour of rescuing his brother's face, his face finally turned rosy.

I thought that my brother had finally escaped the disaster, but what Rossilin did not expect was.

In just half an hour, my brother fell ill again and then lost his breath.

This made Rossilin feel very sad, but this was the beginning of the nightmare.

Because of the next thing, Rossilin did not have time to grieve the death of his brother.

My 12-year-old sister fell to the ground for no reason.

Just now, Rossilin's 12-year-old sister suddenly turned pale as she played at the door.

He fell to the ground and then stopped breathing, and within an hour his younger siblings had died one after another.

I believe that this kind of pain is not something that anyone can bear.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

As everyone knows, in this village where he was killed, Rossilin's sister was the youngest, and his mother was very sad.

It didn't take long for them to remarry to another village, leaving only the elderly grandfather and Rossilin to live with each other.

I thought that such a bad luck would soon pass, but Grandpa's asthma attack coupled with excessive sadness quickly passed away.

The onslaught of death has torn apart the family, which was not rich.

The villagers were puzzled: their death characteristics were exactly the same, and without warning, they suddenly fell to the ground and lost their breath.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

The fear of the reality of death, who will be next?

All the villagers have become accustomed to this kind of bizarre death, everyone has become numb, and some villagers also want to open.

I should eat and drink, and maybe one day it will be my turn.

Some say it's superstition, some say it's retribution. This empty and ethereal statement still has to believe in science.

Just when everyone is living in a terrible curse every day.

Luo Yanhai, the secretary of the village party committee, still hopes that experts from all over the country will come to the village to investigate.

Death is a truth, but also a peaceful life in the village.

After that, a group of experts came to the village, and their purpose was to unveil death.

The truth of death that has plagued the village for half a century. Can they catch the "culprit" during this trip?

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

It turns out that hundreds of years ago, there was such a legend in the village of Alaho:

There is a large family living in the top of the mountain, there are about thirty people in the family, and they are arrogant and domineering on weekdays, bullying the weak.

Arbitrarily occupying the villagers' grain fields, the villagers swallowed their anger, and day after day, people could no longer bear it.

So they had a terrible thought.

The villagers used the excuse to invite the family down the mountain, and then secretly attacked them, killing them by surprise.

After killing the man, he went up the mountain to kill the old and weak women and children in the family, because the ancestors created the evil, so let the descendants repay it.

Everything that happens in Alaho Village today seems to be confirming this legend!

Just when things couldn't be resolved, the local government decided to relocate the entire village.

Shortly after the relocation, the experts did not give up the investigation, and things finally had some eyebrows.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

They found Luo Fujin, the only doctor in the village, and it is said that the high incidence of death in the village is in June and July, which is the rainy season.

Whether the long-term rain has affected the water quality in the village, the villagers' drinking water is drawn down by the accumulated water on the mountain.

Experts found the source of the water, but here the mountains and rivers are beautiful, there is no abnormality, for the sake of safety experts took water samples for testing.

After testing, the water quality is very up to standard and meets the drinking water standard. So what is the reason?

Experts then conducted blood samples on the families of the sudden death, and many people seriously exceeded the barium content.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

In another group of dead people, barium levels were also detected to exceed the standard, so experts pointed the finger at barium.

There were some eyebrows at the sight of things, and some media reporters began to interview them one after another.

Subsequently, experts also found clues because of some habits of the villagers

Just after the villagers moved away, they missed the fungi plants on the mountain, and they ate this kind of thing all year round.

So the experts began to investigate the fungi, and in the process of the investigation, the experts found.

Villagers always find baskets of tan dried fungi in their homes.

Story: 48 people died suddenly in the mysterious mountain village in 50 years, the villagers stood and lost their breath, and experts investigated the chills on their backs one by one

And experts have studied this fungus and the experts are looking for a complete coincidence, their growth place, growth time is exactly the same.

After testing, this fungus contains a large amount of barium and exceeds the standard.

Once humans eat barium, the light will have a heart rate abnormality, shortness of breath, and the heavy will lead to direct death.

Barium is a muscle poison, a large number of barium ions into the human body, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle,

Various muscle tissues such as the heart muscle produce excessive stimulation and excitatory effects.

The heart muscles cause the heart to beat faster and, in severe cases, cause sudden cardiac arrest.

It turns out that all this is actually made of fungi, which inevitably makes people feel a little chilly.

So the power of science is great, and all strange events are nothing more than failure to find the root cause.

The mystery of the death of Alaho Village for more than 50 years has finally come to light.

There is no unjust soul in life, there is no ghost god, we must believe in science.

Fungi should be delicious, but also can not eat indiscriminately, many fungi are poisonous,

Xiaobian reminds everyone here that delicious can not be eaten indiscriminately.

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