
Personality lacks love two, love is always too strong how to solve the problem

author:Brother Liu LG

Personality lacks love two, love is always too strong how to solve the problem

In the last issue, we talked about the lack of love in personality, people who are always too hard in love, what are the characteristics. In this issue, let's talk about how to solve the problem.

First of all, you need to figure out that the thing that causes you to lose yourself in love is itself a question of whose problem it is, but in fact, it is your own problem.

Your over-giving, your loss of self, these are all caused by your own wishful thinking.

To put it mildly, it is only your self-touching, not caused by the other party, and your behavior is up to you to be responsible.

And I can almost conclude that these actions of yours will bring you a bad consequence, maybe you can easily feel hurt in the relationship, maybe the other party will feel too much pressure, scared away by you, and so on.

In short, the lack of love in the long run will only consume your feelings. If you want to improve, then you have to build a self-protection mechanism.

So how do you protect yourself?

First, lower expectations.

When you give a lot of love, your heart actually expects the other party to give back to you very much love.

Because a person who is insecure must rely on this extreme way to constantly prove his importance to the other party. When you lower your expectations, or give yourself a psychological expectation that the other party will not give you back, then you will converge a lot.

Second, learn to cope with anxiety.

Put yourself on each other's time and take half of it on other things.

To put it bluntly, you have to have your own life, and the more you love each other, the more you have to perfect your life.

Only by creating a better self, you will have more self-confidence, you will not feel that you are not worthy of being loved, and you will no longer suffer from gains and losses, and the relationship ecology at this time is a virtuous circle.

Third, don't suppress your own verbal expressions.

Many people are actually very clear in their hearts that they are easily in a dangerous situation in a relationship, knowing that they are easy to suffer from loss and loss in love, and lose themselves.

Therefore, in order to correct yourself, you consciously suppress your own language expression, always feel that you have your mouth closed, do not tell the other party, your waves of love can be hidden across the sea.

But in action, your excessive force on the other party has not decreased at all.

In fact, there is no need at all, this practice is nothing more than self-deception,

The more you don't say it, the heavier the burden in your heart, the heavier the burden, and you will continue to give yourself negative hints, and you will sink deeper and deeper.

So don't be afraid to express your love in language, slightly exaggerated, when you set yourself a person, more affectionate than you yourself, this sharp contrast, will make you find that you actually do not love each other as much as you say, so it will produce a sense of security.


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