
Ways to understand a person, "presence" and "fear"

author:Schrödinger cat trapped in time and space

Understanding a person cannot be understood only from the external superficial characteristics such as gender, appearance, role, wealth, and connections. If it is difficult to deeply explore the innermost heart simply from the external characteristics, but to have deep friendship with a person, to understand its character, and to know the hidden nature of the soul, it can be regarded as having an essential understanding of the person who intersects.

So how can you understand a person more thoroughly? We can recognize it from the sense of existence of the "inner boundary" and the sense of fear outside the boundary.

Whether in life or in the workplace, a person's "sense of existence" is not the same, but it requires social feedback to achieve. For example, a person is very good at wearing and needs praise from the people around him; he works very hard at work and needs the affirmation of leaders and colleagues. The satisfaction of "presence" is achieved through feedback from things around us.

The "sense of fear" outside the boundary can also reflect a person's original heart.

For example: in a dirty room, from the parents' reprimands; when the project node is about to arrive, the urging of the superior leader, etc., and when subjected to these external pressures, observing the way a person behaves, there will be a deeper understanding.

Ways to understand a person, "presence" and "fear"

The way a person brushes the "sense of existence" and the form of expressing the "sense of fear" is the most reflective of the person's characteristics.

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