
What should I do if my child is bullied and bullied?

In the suicide note of liu Xuezhou, a boy who was looking for relatives a few days ago, he said that he had suffered from school bullying. After this incident came out, many parents of students have also asked me, saying that they suspect that their children are being bullied in school. Why are small children bullied? This is because he has not yet created a sense of self to resist bullying. Two and a half to eight years old is a crucial period for educating children to identify bullying and create resistance to self-awareness, if you miss it, the child becomes a soft persimmon, and the heavy leaves a psychological shadow, which cannot be cured for a lifetime.

What should I do if my child is bullied and bullied?

I found that many children do not know how to say "no", and do not know under what circumstances they need to say "no", and the parents of students, do not know where to start, either to talk to the children back, or to scold the children, so that it will only make the children breed a lot of violent tendencies and move towards another extreme.

What should I do if my child is bullied and bullied?

I suggest ah, you can take a look at this one story picture book, say "no" loudly, children's prevention awareness story picture book, this, the whole set is divided into eight themes, ridiculed, isolated, discriminated against, threatened, robbed, ordered, bullied, accused, this one is very suitable for children and parents to read together, student parents can tell stories to children, while teaching children to identify danger, unreasonable requirements to say "no", to help them master the basic principles of prevention awareness. For children, they can recognize what circumstances should be rejected, what means are harmful to themselves, so that when dealing with bullying, children can be truly powerful.

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