
Chess mid-game appreciation: peeping at the bottom line, double cannon suffocation

As shown in the national chess tournament, Guizhou Cheng Zhiyuan (Red Fang) and Guangdong Deng Songhong played against the screen Ma Ping Cannon with the middle cannon across the river car to the 13th move of the Red Side.

Chess mid-game appreciation: peeping at the bottom line, double cannon suffocation

The black side 7 passed the river pawn, and the 7 road cannon threatened the red side horse and phase, and the situation was superior.

13....... Stroke 7 into 1.

Entering the pawn and threatening the horse, the black side launched a fierce attack!

14. Horse three back five, car 8 into 8.

The next chess piece with a car 8 draws and 6 to kill the car.

15 cars four flat one...

Red ru changed the cannon five flat four, black car 8 flat 6, phase three into one, pawn 7 into 1, black side dominant.

Red continues to take the cannon four into seven, the black car 6 back 5, the cannon four flat nine, the pawn 7 into 1, the horse five into the six, the cannon 7 flat 8, the black side has the advantage.

15....... Cannon 2 into 2.

16. Cannon five flat six ...

If the red is changed to the cannon five flat two, the black cannon 2 flat 5 to kill, red is also difficult to deal with. 8 flat 6.

17. Phase three into one, cannon 2 flat 8.

18. Che Yi Ping Two...

In the face of rapid defeat, red as if to change the horse five into six, can make the battle line lengthen.

18....... Cannon 8 into 4.

19. Cannon Six Retreat —......

At this time, it is too late to go five into six, the black side has the magic hand of the pawn 7 flat 8 taxi, the red side car two retreat three, the cannon 7 into 8, the shi four into the five, the cannon 7 flat 9 to kill, the red side will use the car to nibble the cannon, the black side wins.

19....... 卒7平8, suffocation, black victory.

Chess mid-game appreciation: peeping at the bottom line, double cannon suffocation

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