
Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books

Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books
Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books

The Spring Festival holiday has arrived, during this time parents do not go to work, children do not go to school, is a rare time for parents to coexist, but also a good opportunity to understand the child.

When visiting relatives and friends, is the child's mischievous trickery just creating trouble for you?

Is it just a "bad habit" for a child to make a mess at home?

Suddenly found that children have learned to lie, more and more ghost ideas, this must be a bad thing?

Perhaps you have misunderstood, these "small problems" of children are actually the performance of what they are learning.

Today, I recommend to you the blockbuster new books of Zhanlu's "Born to Learn" series, following "Gardener and Carpenter", "How Children Learn", "How Children Think", the authority of children's mental theory has come out of the classic - "How Children Socialize".

It is better to teach children than to understand children, and this set of books tells you that every child is born with the learning ability of scientists, the thinking power of philosophers, and the social skills of politicians.


How Kids Socialize

Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books

Why do some children fit in and some children not? Why are some children outgoing but can't make friends, and some children are introverted but have good popularity? Where do politicians, negotiators, social elites, their great social skills come from?

After reading this book, you will know that the key to determining a child's future social skills is not personality, not emotional intelligence, and no skills, but the mental interpretation that each child has been developing since birth. This is an insight into the inner mental state of others, as well as the ability to interpret, express and communicate their own mental state, which is both a way of "thinking about others" and a way of "thinking about yourself", which can help children better communicate with others, make friends, cooperate, play games and empathize, and is the key foundation of human social skills.


How Children Learn

Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books


Babies born 42 minutes can imitate the facial expressions of adults; babies at 6 months old can distinguish between different languages; 3-year-olds can test 5 scientific hypotheses in two minutes... People have always believed that children's learning is passive and needs to be taught. But science proves that learning is an innate instinct of children, and no matter how advanced computer algorithms in the world are, they are not as good as the way children's brains run.

This book reveals for the first time the mystery of children's learning, and uses rich and creative experiments to show the children's learning talents beyond adults in detail, not only letting us know how children learn, but also telling us how children do it.

How Children Think

Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books

Does the baby have empathy? Have the ability to think? Before they learned to read and math, how did they learn about the complexities of morality? Childhood is a crucial stage of growth in life, but we know so little about that stage, and many times even ignore it!

What does man mean by man? A small baby gazing at its mother's face with fascination and affection may have laid the foundation for human "love" and "morality"; playing pretend games with all their heart may explain how we imagine the future. This book provides a complete, emotional and intellectual perspective for children and childhood, to appreciate the richness and importance of childhood from a new perspective.


The Gardener and the Carpenter

Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books

After reading this book, you will find that the reason why we think raising children is a big problem is because we were wrong from the beginning. Children are born with a genius learning model that is different from that of adults, they learn and explore like scientists, think and discover like philosophers, and interpret the minds of others like politicians.

As a parent, you are actually a provider of children's life stories, not a shaper; the best love for children is not to point out a destination for them, but to provide for their journey. Instead of carving children, it is better to create a fertile land for children. This book goes straight to the core roots of contemporary parental anxiety and gives you a whole new level of parenting thinking.

Good parents never set limits on their children in adult mode.

The "Born learner" set of books allows you to discover the amazing learning ability of children, let you understand the growth rules of children, understand the extraordinary abilities behind children's behavior, and let you really understand how to achieve child-centered parenting.

Of course, high-quality parent-child relationship is the first driving force for learning, the Spring Festival holiday is an excellent opportunity for parents to get along, this Spring Festival, I hope that every parent and child are happy and happy.

Who is this set of books from?

Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books

Alison Gopnik

This scientist grandmother, an internationally recognized leading expert in children's learning and development research, one of the founders of mind theory, is the first cognitive psychologist to study early childhood learning and education theory across borders, and it can be said that no one can know more about children's brains and learning styles than she does.

Hit the core anxiety of parents! Douban averages 8.0, which completely affects the child's life with 4 books

Henry Wellman

This psychologist grandfather, an internationally recognized authority on children's mental theory, the fifth president of the American Cognitive Development Association, has won 6 awards in the American psychological community for the first time. It can be said that no one knows more about the child's mental development and social ways than he does.

They are the two peaks of the world's research on the theory of children's minds. In this set of books, the scientist grandma and the psychologist grandpa join forces to reveal the development of children's learning, thinking, and social development in an all-round way, so that you can see the extraordinary abilities that children are born with.

Which big names are reading?

Gopnik was a colleague of mine when I was teaching psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. She is not only an authority in the field of children's cognitive development, but also has a reputation for popular science writing. The book contains both a summary of the frontier research on children's learning and her philosophical reflections on the parenting of parents, which can not only gain a lot of knowledge, but also inspire deep thinking, and the book also incorporates many interesting stories of her grandmother, which is a good book full of dry goods and ideas.

--Peng Kaiping

Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University

Head of the Department of Psychology

Now only complex people dare to believe that educating children is a simple matter, only smart people dare not worry about their children being smart or not, and only people who have important knowledge know what is important to children. Alison Goopnik's The Gardener and the Carpenter may change you first, and then change your parenting mindset.

- Wanwei Steel

Science writer

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If you're curious enough, you'll enjoy learning with your kids. You've already rehearsed all your homework and found a lot of fresh knowledge. You'll enjoy learning with your child and want to extend this time as long as you can. This is probably a good learning environment.

--Miao Wei

Writer, former editor-in-chief of Triptych Life Weekly

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