
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is about to open, and here we revisit the origins of the ancient Olympic Games. The Ancient Olympics originated in the ancient Greek period and flourished in 776 BC

author:If the son is not weak

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is about to open, and here we revisit the origins of the ancient Olympic Games.

The Ancient Olympics originated in the ancient Greek period and were initiated and flourished from 776 BC to 388 BC.

The original Olympic games in ancient times were sprinting, and later derived from long-distance running, long jump, discus, javelin and other athletics events, usually only one afternoon to complete.

After the middle of the 5th century AD, the competition period was extended to 5 days, and wrestling, gladiatorial fighting, chariots and other more confrontational and military sports began to be added.

So, the Winter Olympics are not related to the ancient Olympics, and we cannot

The Winter Olympics began in Chamonix, France, in 1924, when skating, skiing, snowmobiling, ice hockey and curling were held. However, "winter sports". #冬奥冷门知识有多冷 #

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is about to open, and here we revisit the origins of the ancient Olympic Games. The Ancient Olympics originated in the ancient Greek period and flourished in 776 BC

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