
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance

Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance

The National Aquatics Center ("Water Cube"/"Ice Cube") was opened to the public for the first time today, and visitors can walk into the ice venues of the Winter Olympics, where they can get in touch, understand and experience curling at zero distance, and feel the top curling arena and double Olympic culture.

Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance

During the Winter Olympic Cultural Experience Season, "Ice Cube" will retain the real scenes of the Winter Olympics, including the FOP area, media stands, mixed mining area, athletes' locker rooms and award points and other Winter Olympic spaces, providing a "full-scene" Winter Olympic atmosphere experience. Spectators have the opportunity to experience the top Olympic venues in the FOP area, touch the Olympic ice surface, use the real Olympic curling experience, and have the opportunity to relive the "highlight moment" of the Chinese wheelchair curling team's winter Paralympic title and gold medal.

Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance

Spectators can also go to the media stand on the west side overlooking the double Olympic ceremony of water ice conversion, feel the award ceremony of the Curling Events of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games at the award point, and experience the convenient service that warms the athletes during the competition and is unanimously praised by teams from all over the world.

Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance
Ice Cube is open to the public for the first time today for visitors to experience curling at zero distance

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