
Bao Dad, Bao Mom: Please keep the baby away from the "Spring Festival Disease"

author:Nine Schools Health

During the festival, everyone visits relatives and friends and gathers together, but don't ignore the children at home at this time. Every year during the Spring Festival, there are children who come to the doctor because of poor sleep, decreased appetite, easy to be annoyed, abnormal stools, etc., which is actually what everyone calls "Spring Festival disease".

Spring Festival is the alternating season of winter and spring, affected by temperature, environment, climate and other factors, coupled with children's delicate stomach, poor adaptability, weak resistance, do not pay attention to diet during the festival, irregular work and rest, easy to suffer from digestive tract diseases and respiratory diseases, causing a lot of trouble to our lives, how to scientifically and effectively prevent "Spring Festival disease", so that children can spend a healthy festival. Our reporter interviewed Wang Zhihong, director of the Department of Pediatrics and deputy chief physician of the county hospital.

Wang Zhihong, director of the Department of Pediatrics and deputy chief physician of the county hospital: Do not overeat, eat less greasy, sweet, snack and irritating foods, drink less drinks, eat easily digestible foods and appropriate amounts of vegetables, ensure daily drinking water, the best drink is boiled water.

As a pediatric expert, Wang Zhihong reminded parents that due to the sudden change in temperature during the Spring Festival this year, children should pay special attention to keeping warm, not going to crowded places, basking in the sun, playing outside can not leave the adult's sight, so as not to cause accidents, and at the same time to ensure adequate sleep and stay up late.

Wang Zhihong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the County Hospital: Children's lack of sleep will cause children's biological clock to be disordered, resulting in a decline in immune function, and over time, it will also affect the growth and development of children. In addition, it should be noted that burns and explosions caused by fireworks and firecrackers, parents must take good care of their children, and often prepare some burn ointments at home, in case of emergency. (Herong Media Sheng Xiangyang Gu Lina)

【Source: Heyang County People's Government_Department News】

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