
Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

author:Talk about parenting every day

Pregnant mothers, as a special group of people, are also specially cared for in the New Year, and everything must be careful and cautious, especially when visiting relatives and neighbors after the first year of the first year, they should be more careful and careful.

In fact, there are many pregnant women who pay attention to visiting the door during the New Year, and many of them are just auspicious, but most of them have no scientific significance. So, what must pregnant women pay attention to in the New Year's Eve, Xiaotian said to everyone today.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Pregnant women are contraindicated in the New Year

  • Pregnant women go to relatives' homes for the New Year and cannot sit in other people's beds;
  • Pregnant women cannot see pregnant women during the New Year;
  • If there is a new marriage in the New Year, the pregnant woman cannot visit the newlywed family;
  • Pregnant women cannot visit people who have been at home for less than 3 years of mourning.

The above folk taboos actually have no practical significance, and they have a bit of a sense of feudal superstition. At least most of our pregnancies have sat in people's beds and talked with other pregnant women, so there is no scientific basis for these taboos. If the elderly in the family strongly demand, in order to make peace precious, let a step is nothing.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Pregnant women do not visit the door for the New Year? Come and hear what you have to say

  • Niu Niu Mama: We can't go to get married on our side, because pregnancy is a happy event, and people's marriage is also a happy event, afraid of making a mistake, so don't go up when you meet people getting married.
  • Doudou Mom: We don't have this kind of saying in the urban area, it is no problem to go out and play in the New Year, but try not to take things given by others when going out to play.
  • Ye Zi Mother: Pregnant women can visit the door in the New Year, but if they encounter people doing white things, they can't visit the door.
  • Dragon Mother: When pregnant, as long as you are healthy, you can go out to visit the door in the New Year as long as people welcome you.

Summary: Pregnant women visit some folk taboos during the New Year, Xiaotian does not agree, after all, everyone is a young generation, and the pregnancy should pay more attention to the health problems of individuals and fetuses in the abdomen.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

The things that pregnant mothers really need to pay attention to during the New Year

Please "stay away" from smokers

New Year reunion, relatives and friends are happy and harmonious, there are talk and laughter, there is food and drink. But there are always some men who love to smoke around, usually involuntarily light up the cigarette, but the people around them are often not very good to remind.

In this case, pregnant women are best to "stay away" and take the initiative to leave the environment of second-hand smoke. Especially in a room where a group of people play mahjong, pregnant women are best not to go in to watch the game.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Please "keep your distance" from the patient

Visiting relatives and friends in the New Year, the flow of people visiting the door is very large, and now it is also the period during the epidemic period, and it is also a period of illness and influenza, so pregnant women should pay attention to preventing diseases.

If someone has a cold when you go to the door, it is best to keep your distance, wear a mask, and wash your hands and disinfect your hands when you return home. Because once infected with a cold, taking medicine is not a thing, and not taking medicine is not conducive to fetal health, so don't let yourself and the fetus fall into a dilemma.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Please keep your distance from "Cold + Ice"

New Year's indispensable to eat and drink, as well as reunion dinner, see the table chicken, duck, fish, beef and other delicious, many pregnant women said very tired, just want to drink some ice drinks, to take a bite of cold dishes refreshing, this must not!

In general, pregnant women pay attention to nutritional balance in their New Year's diet, and it is indeed easy to cause consequences such as obesity in the New Year's diet, but it cannot be contraindicated because of this.

Do not indulge your dietary principles because of the New Year's visits, once you have eaten cold and cold food, it is easy to cause discomfort to pregnant women and fetuses. In addition, pregnant women should not drink sweet drinks and coffee, so as not to cause fetal restlessness.

Of course, alcohol is something that pregnant women must never touch, because there are now clear data showing that alcohol is one of the main causes of fetal malformations and mental retardation, so alcohol is a big taboo for pregnant women during the New Year.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Don't learn to "stay up late" with your family

Staying up for a night in the evening, keeping the New Year, spring festival gala, watching blockbusters, etc. are all important activities during the New Year, but these activities are not suitable for pregnant women. During the New Year, pregnant women have to learn to play mahjong, sing K, and stay up late, because some of these environments are not conducive to the healthy development of the fetus.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Don't "wear heavy makeup" and "high heels"

Even during pregnancy, some mothers want to dress themselves up beautifully, go out to meet elders or friends, all for the sake of bright eyes. Heavy makeup + high heels, for ordinary women naturally nothing, but for pregnant women with flower nails, it is not OK.

New Year pregnant women wear clothes, to comfortable, warm, loose mainly, makeup is still natural as a good, thick makeup may make heavy metals in cosmetics damage the skin, affecting fetal health.

Speaking of high heels, pregnant women still forget it, the high heels worn last year are quickly put away this year. During the New Year, there are snow, rain and slippery roads in some places, and pregnancy is already inconvenient, so save yourself the worry.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Don't "overwork"

Pregnant mothers can visit the door for the New Year, but it will be hard to visit for a long time, especially not to go too far away.

Regardless of the period of pregnancy, it is necessary to maintain a normal work and rest, avoid overwork, and avoid causing contractions and zao childbirth.

Pregnant women's New Year's "door-to-door taboos" are not only a "big luck", but also for the health of the fetus

Write at the end

Of course, the precautions for visiting the door in the New Year are not only the above points, pregnant mothers please choose to visit the door according to their own situation. Finally, I wish pregnant mothers a good "pregnant" New Year and good luck.

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