
New energy subsidy policy declines for a full month, and car dealers have successively ushered in the "official tide"

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, in just 5 minutes, in the ideal car store of Shin Kong Place, three or four waves of customers were welcomed to see the car. On the side, Xiaopeng Motors also has customers sitting in the car to experience.

On January 1, the Ministry of Finance and other four departments jointly issued the "Notice on the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2022", after the implementation of this policy, in 2022, the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles will be reduced by 30% on the basis of 2021. Tesla rose in price in response, and the price of the rear-wheel drive version of the Model3 and Model Y models rose by 10,000 yuan and 21,000 yuan respectively. And Tesla China has confirmed that the price increase is related to the decline in subsidies for new energy vehicles.

New energy subsidy policy declines for a full month, and car dealers have successively ushered in the "official tide"

On February 1, after the implementation of the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles for one month, what fluctuations did the prices of new energy vehicles fluctuate? Have sales been affected? Upstream journalists conducted on-the-spot visits and investigations.

A number of car companies have officially announced price increases

In the face of the decline of subsidies for new energy vehicles in the previous rounds, BYD, which has not adjusted its price, cannot sit still this time. On January 21, BYD Automobile said that on February 1, it will adjust the official guidance price of its dynasty series and marine series related new energy models, ranging from 1,000 to 7,000 yuan.

Prior to this, a number of new energy models have quietly increased prices, including Tesla, BYD, Xiaopeng Motors, GAC Aion S Plus, Volkswagen's ID.6 CROZZ and ID.4 CROZZ and other new energy models have announced price increases. The price increase ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

Recently, the official website of Xiaopeng Automobile announced that the price of all Xiaopeng models after the subsidy was raised, with an average increase of about 5,000 yuan. It is reported that Xiaopeng Automobile is the sales champion of domestic new forces car companies in 2021, with a total delivery volume of 98,155 vehicles in the whole year, 3.6 times that of 2020.

Since January 1, the price of Nezha V, Nezha UPro and other models under Nezha Automobile has increased by about 2,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan; THE PRICE OF GAC AIAN LX has increased by 4,000 yuan, and the listed new AIONSPlus has increased by more than 7,000 yuan compared with the 2021 model.

The official guidance price of Volkswagen ID.3, ID.4 family and ID.6 family will increase by 5400 yuan for the whole series. However, Volkswagen sales staff said: "Fawc / SAIC Volkswagen ID. models purchased before February 28, manufacturers will make up for 5400 yuan out of their own pockets, and consumers can still enjoy new energy national subsidies." ”

The 2022 zero-run T03 under zero-run automobile rose by nearly 10,000 yuan, and the official website said that the reason for the price increase was the increase in configuration.

Ideal ONE, which is priced at more than 300,000 yuan, does not enjoy subsidies, but has also made new moves this year. According to its official APP, from February 1, the rights and interests of the first owner of the three electric and extended range system will be cancelled to 8 years or 120,000 kilometers.

New energy subsidy policy declines for a full month, and car dealers have successively ushered in the "official tide"

From February 28, users who buy Euler good cats and good cats will also spend 5400 yuan more and no longer enjoy the previous manufacturer's insurance policy.

"If BYD and Tesla increase prices, other car companies are likely to follow." Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Association, said.

"Although some brand manufacturers 'pay out of pocket' subsidy differences, overall, the price of new energy vehicles has risen." Industry insiders said that the reason, in addition to the decline in subsidies, is more mainly because of the rise in raw material prices. According to statistics, the price of battery-grade lithium carbonate in 2021 will increase by more than 400%.

The car market is "rising" but the car is selling better?

In the past year, new energy vehicle companies ushered in rapid growth, the statistics of the Association show that in 2021, the sales of major new energy vehicle manufacturers increased by more than 100% year-on-year, and the annual sales of BYD Automobile, SAIC-GM-Wuling and Tesla China were 584,000, 431,000 and 320,000 vehicles, respectively, an increase of 221.3%, 177.3% and 133.3% year-on-year; the annual sales of new car-making forces such as Xiaopeng, Weilai and Ideal also approached 100,000 vehicles. However, in the face of policy decline, raw materials, new energy insurance, and rising car prices, can the terminal car market still be as hot as before?

"We haven't had a break for weeks, and as we get into January, more people come to see the car." The sales consultant of BYD's 4S store said that due to the manufacturer's official announcement that the price will increase from February 1, many people have rushed to order a car before, and only need to pay a few hundred yuan of intention to insure the price until September 1 in the second half of the year.

GAC Aean sales staff also said that in January, the number of people who watched the car and bought a car was no less than last month, and many customers hoped to see the car before the new year.

"We launched the Spring Festival benefit from January 28th to February 7th." Ideal Car Sales Consultant said.

"The state's subsidies for new energy vehicles have been going on for many years, and after this year, they will be gone, and the price of the car will have to be raised."

Upstream journalists visited a number of 4S stores, and several salespeople "hinted" at customers when recommending.

New energy subsidy policy declines for a full month, and car dealers have successively ushered in the "official tide"

A sales consultant of an independent brand new energy vehicle revealed that there are indeed many customers who are rushing to the "price insurance" policy and rushing to "fork".

An industry insider, who did not want to be named, said that it is very likely that the policy of exempting the purchase tax of new energy vehicles will also shrink.

"The decline in subsidies will not significantly affect the growth of new energy vehicle sales, but it may slow down the growth rate." Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Association, said that it is expected that the sales volume of new energy passenger vehicles will reach more than 5.5 million units in 2022, and the penetration rate of new energy passenger vehicles will reach about 25%.

According to a research report released by Guohai Securities, the decline was clearly mentioned in the new energy vehicle subsidy notice issued as early as April 2020, so many consumers bought in advance and had certain psychological expectations for future car price increases. The new energy vehicle market has shifted from policy-driven to market-driven, and the impact of subsidy decline on the overall market growth of new energy vehicles is limited, and the overall growth of new energy vehicles in the future is still showing a state of steady growth.

The relevant person in charge of WM Motor also believes that in fact, the decline in subsidies for new energy vehicles did not start from 2021, and has been in a state of decline in the past few years, but its penetration rate is increasing year by year. The overall sales of new energy vehicles in 2019 fell slightly by 4%; the overall sales volume in 2020 increased by 10%; and as of November, the year-on-year increase in 2021 has doubled.

The relevant person in charge of Changan New Energy also said that after the subsidy declines, the company will definitely have some pressure. However, the impact of the decline can be offset by the increase in product strength brought about by the model upgrade and redesign.

From the information disclosed by major domestic car companies at present, it can be seen that at least ten pure electric new cars will be listed this year, such as Changan New Energy C385, Avita 11, SAIC Roewe Kelaiwei, Xiaopeng G9 and so on.

Upstream journalist Yan Wei

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