
Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

Bed-sharing posture is critical

The posture is out of tune and the feelings are hurt

Many men have encountered this situation

Ever since my wife liked this pose

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

It was as if his body had been plucked


Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

Didn't sleep well all night

The suffocating "Nine Yin White Bone Legs"

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

Hunt and kill all the way, there is nowhere to escape

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!
Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

He is also often awakened by freezing in the middle of the night

When I opened my eyes, the quilt was "clipped"

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

Long-term lack of sleep, can't help but run wild

Why do girls love to clip things so much when they sleep?

Clarification is needed first

"Love to sleep with things in" is not a patent for girls

Some boys said they had the same habit

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!
Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

(Source: Kuaishou Platform, Fan Review of Tencent Medical Dian Kangkang)

Secondly, "sleeping with things in between" mostly occurs when sleeping on the side

In fact, this habit has many benefits

01 Save the knee and leg muscles

Many friends who are used to sleeping on their sides may have had this experience

When you wake up, your calves are numb and you are more tired than before bedtime

I can't help but wonder:

"Obviously I just slept

How is it like getting into a fight with someone? ”

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

This may be related to sleeping posture

When sleeping on your side, there is a gap between your legs

The upper leg is gravity-driven downwards closer to the bed surface and the lower leg

At this time, the soft tissue on the outside of the thigh is in an elongated state

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

This in turn causes hip flexion and adduction

The piriformis muscle is pulled and the sciatic nerve is jammed

May cause radiation pain in the lower extremities

In the course of time

This may result in skewed knee and ankle joints

Prolonged pain occurs

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

If you clip a small soft pillow or a folded blanket or towel between your legs

It can change this suspended state to a certain extent

Reduce the effect of gravity on the upper leg

Let it "land" safely

During our long sleep

Get fully soothed and relaxed

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

02 Improve sleep quality

The health of the spine affects the quality of sleep

The results of the study show

The healthier the spine, the higher the sleep index, i.e. the better the quality of sleep[2]


The front and back of the spine should be a straight line

(Note: The spine is made up of multiple vertebrae connected)

But when sleeping on your side, the upper leg causes the pelvis to tilt or rotate

It then causes abnormal positions of the lumbar spine, thoracic spine, shoulders, and cervical spine

If this is the case for a long time, it may cause discomfort in the waist, back, and neck

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

Place soft pillows, blankets or towels between your legs

Helps maintain a neutral position in the spine

It plays a role in protecting the spine and improving the quality of sleep

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

03 Heat dissipation ventilation

The appropriate temperature, usually slightly cooler

Significantly improves sleep quality[3]

The temperature in the quilt is higher

When we slept on our side with the quilt between

One leg was exposed

Acts as a heat dissipation, helps to wick away sweat and keep cool

in a word

"Sleep with something in your pocket" has the ability to improve the quality of sleep,

Relax joints, soothe muscles and many other benefits

However, it is not recommended that everyone will be a partner

As a "tool man" sandwiched between legs

A survey by the National Sleep Foundation shows

Sleep is associated with marital satisfaction

When encountering a "difficult" partner

How to improve the quality of their respective sleep?

The following 2 tricks please put away:

1. Pillow as a barrier

Put a "pillow wall" between you

To a certain extent, it can play a role in blocking the sound and movement of the other party

Why do girls always love to clip quilts when they sleep? Doctor: This habit has many benefits!

2. Sleep in separate rooms in the short term

Sleeping in separate rooms is not recommended as a long-term solution

But when one party's sleep is disturbed by a partner for a long time

It is not conducive to the normal functioning of the body

It is also easy to produce negative emotions and affect the feelings of both parties

Therefore, consider sleeping in separate rooms in the short term

As for insisting on seeing here

Feeling useless knowledge has increased the number of single dogs

Let's leave a message collection at the end of the article!

Review expert: Zhang Zeng | attending physician of the emergency department of Zhengzhou Orthopaedic Hospital


[1] Doug Cary,Kathy Briffa,Leanda McKenna. Identifying relationships between sleep posture and non-specific spinal symptoms in adults: A scoping review[J]. BMJ Open,2019,9(6).

[2] 2019 Xilinmen China Sleep Index Report

[3] Olga Troynikov,Chris Watson,Nazia Nawaz. Sleep environments and sleep physiology: A review[J]. Journal of Thermal Biology,2018.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Code, unauthorized media reprinting is prohibited, and illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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