
Family design style The public ID.BUZZ the interior exposure

[Aika Auto Overseas New Car Original]

Recently, Volkswagen's new pure electric MPV - ID.BUZZ several interior photos were exposed by foreign media, and it can be seen from the pictures that the interior design style of the ID.BUZZ is very close to other members of the family that are already on sale.

Family design style The public ID.BUZZ the interior exposure

It is understood that the group of photos comes from a netizen of a well-known public ID forum abroad. In the interior drawings taken, it can be clearly seen that the ID.BUZZ has a floating central control screen and a hexagonal instrument screen, and its shape is consistent with the instrument screen of other ID models such as ID.3; in addition, the steering wheel shape is also the same style. There is also a retractable cup holder under the center control, which is ID.BUZZ the more distinctive interior features at present.

Family design style The public ID.BUZZ the interior exposure

The interior of the ID.BUZZ in the picture is designed with red/white color blocks, and the material seems to vary with the color, and the red areas of the cushions and backrests are suspected to be similar to Alcantara, while the white areas are leather. There is also an ID logo on the back of the seat, and a small table is provided on the backrest.

Family design style The public ID.BUZZ the interior exposure
Family design style The public ID.BUZZ the interior exposure

The second row of seats of the exposed model can be placed proportionally, and when it is reclined, it remains flat with the trunk floor, forming a very open storage space, and the trunk seems to have a layered design with a curtain. However, when it was released in 2017, the seats that can be moved along the slide rail and support the direction of rotation, and the central control screen that can be moved up and down have not appeared on this car, and it is expected that in the future, ID.BUZZ will also launch a long-axis version that supports the above functions.

Family design style The public ID.BUZZ the interior exposure

ID.BUZZ based on the Volkswagen Group's pure electric platform MEB, it will launch two power configuration models of single motor and dual motor, with a maximum cruising range of up to 600km. Previously, Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess had revealed that the ID.BUZZ would be released on March 9.

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