
Why is it said that Jackie Chan is the most harmful?

Why do I say that Jackie Chan is the most harmful?

I saw a video of a school speech saying that no matter how successful you are, your child's failure is your failure. It's almost like MLM thought input.

You can't do it yourself, so why ask your child to do it? Is it right to strengthen your will and ideals to your child? Children are individuals, not puppets of their parents, but also have brains, have their own thoughts, and have their own dreams.

Why is it said that Jackie Chan is the most harmful?

Let the child realize your dreams, then who will realize their own dreams, is the child living to realize the dreams of their parents? Should children be puppets of their parents?

Besides, in reality, Jackie Chan has become a high-ranking official and a billionaire!

Therefore, parents should consider the problem from the child's point of view, respect the child's choice, let them do what they like, they will really be happy, and they can find the meaning of their own survival. Parents can only guide and enlighten them, not strengthen their will to them.

Strengthening their will is like letting the child go to the front line to fight for his own glory, and the child becomes a victim of the parents, sad!

Why is it said that Jackie Chan is the most harmful?

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