
Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Bin Laden, the proud son of the rich family, has embarked on the road of terrorism without hesitation and has become a "madman" who is at the forefront of anti-Americanism.

The bin Laden family, led by bin Laden, is extravagant, complex and dark, and the women of the bin Laden family have been involved in senseless wars several times and have become victims of the struggle of the giants.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > "paranoid" life</h1>

Bin Laden comes from a large family, with 25 brothers and 29 sisters. The Bin Laden family is well-known in Saudi Arabia, with more than 300 family members and industries in Jeddah, Mecca and other places.

Even today, bin Laden still monopolizes the Arab sectors of construction, railways and finance, with assets of $5 billion.

In Saudi Arabia, bin Laden is seen as the "second generation of the rich". Bin Laden's father was a famous construction magnate in Saudi Arabia, a famous "craftsman" of the royal family, who specialized in the construction of temples and numerous military installations.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

The young bin Laden naturally enjoyed all the conveniences brought to him by the bin Laden family and lived a comfortable and prosperous life. After 1979, however, bin Laden's otherwise peaceful life came to an abrupt end and was replaced by a hail of bullets.

In 1979, the Soviet Union sent troops to Afghanistan in order to safeguard its own interests, and bin Laden, like many young people, was full of the desire to serve the country and threw himself into the war against the Soviet Union.

Initially, bin Laden only provided financial support to the army, but as ties with the Taliban deepened, bin Laden gradually acquired his own armed forces. At that time, bin Laden was in the same camp as the United States against the Soviet Union.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

After 10 years of war, the Soviet Union had no choice but to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, and after peace was restored, bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia. In 1990, Iraq waged war against Kuwait for oil and territory, while Saudi Arabia's interests were seriously damaged.

In order to protect his own interests, bin Laden's request for the government to send troops was rejected. Soon after, Saudi Arabia contacted the United States to seek armed assistance. The United States acceded to the Saudi Arabian government's request, and hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers were stationed in Saudi Arabia.

At this point bin Laden realized the gravity of the matter, the American army had gathered, and if they took the opportunity to attack, Saudi Arabia would most likely become a prisoner of the United States.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Bin Laden suggested that the Saudi Arabian government drive U.S. troops out of Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi king was furious and directly expelled bin Laden from his citizenship. Bin Laden was furious and has since embarked on an anti-American path.

This almost insane terrorist eventmaker not only became an opponent for the Americans, but also plunged the people of the world into endless fear.

Almost all the horrors around the world have bin In 9/11, bin Laden ordered his men to hijack the plane and crashed directly into the commercial center of the United States in a suicidal dive.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan collapsed, the Pentagon was smashed by a passenger plane, and on September 11, 2001, New York's financial center suffered a severe loss because of bin Laden. Later, bin Laden frequently launched jihad, attacked US military bases, and detonated US embassies in other countries...

Over the years, the struggle between the United States and bin Laden has never stopped. The U.S. government declared: "Terrorists led by os-laden are being targeted and have no hostility toward Islam and its followers, but the anti-terrorist campaign will never end".

Since the events of 9/11, the international community has been looking for traces of bin Laden, and at the same time, the Bin Laden family has become a hot topic of discussion.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

After in-depth understanding, people found that although the Bin Laden family is among the giants, the relationship is intricate, and the women and children of the Bin Laden family also have countless secrets...

The process of the Bin Laden family's prosperity is closely related to the help of nobles. The sheikh of the Bin Laden family has forged a deep friendship with King Achiz, the founder of Saudi Arabia, and because of this, bin Laden's entire family has become the leader of society.

Members of the Bin Laden family once said: "The children of the Sheikh, all living under his wing, in their eyes, the Sheikh is high, like a legend, sacred, serious, and must be worshiped." ”

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Although the Sheikh had a large number of wives and concubines, bin Laden was the only son of his mother. The men of the Bin Laden family are very close, bin Laden has a good relationship with his half-brothers, perhaps because the Sheikh's genes are too strong, and bin Laden has many similarities in appearance with other brothers, and they can even share passports.

Bin Laden is also very close to his half-sisters. Her sister, Shebach, followed bin Laden in the 1980s to join the army in Afghanistan and fight against the Soviet Union. One of the sisters is good-looking and has been pampered since childhood, and bin Laden loves her even more.

The relationship between the rich family has always been complicated, and although bin Laden has a deep relationship with his brothers, he cannot escape the fate of competition. The brothers quarreled fiercely over the distribution of the family's property and property, which was the daily routine of the Laden family.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > the mothers of the Bin Laden family</h1>

The large number of women is one of the main reasons for the complicated relationship between bin Laden's family. In Middle Eastern countries, Muslim men can marry up to 4 wives. Most wealthy merchants generally took the first three as the main chamber and the fourth wife as a concubine.

The status of the main chamber is unshakable, but the men can divorce the concubines at any time and find a new wife. Most of the time, men in Saudi Arabia can have many concubines at the same time, collectively known as "fourth wife", such as bin Laden's mother.

Bin Laden was the wife of Sheikh's fourth concubine, Alia Hannah, not the original wife. Sheikh was a natural affair, and the pilots around him once recalled that the Sheikh often ordered him to fly a private jet to the countryside of Saudi Arabia in search of beautiful women, and it was at that time that Bin Laden's mother, Alia Hannah, became the Sheikh's partner.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

At first sight, Sheikh was attracted by the appearance of Aria Hannah, who rose from a country girl to a rich darling.

Unfortunately, despite the infinite beauty in the eyes of outsiders, Aria Hannah is still in a low position in the Bin Laden family. Aria Hannah's father is Syrian, not Saudi, and Aria Hannah has only one child, bin Laden, and she has not attracted much attention in her family.

Aria Hannah was often reprimanded and harassed by the sheikh's other women, and in sheikh's heart, Aria Hannah was no different from a nanny or a slave.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

The children of the rich family are precious by their mothers, Arya Hannah is not favored, and bin Laden has difficulty getting his father's attention since he was a child. In the same year, bin Laden had a very low sense of existence among his brothers and sisters.

Bin Laden is also often sspoken ill of his siblings, and whenever this happens, Aria Hannah always teaches bin Laden to be patient and get ahead.

Under the education of Aria Hannah and the persecution of the suffocating environment of the Bin Laden family, bin Laden became more and more reticent and gradually became paranoid in his heart.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Unfortunately, bin Laden, who grew up with Aria Hannah, was eventually separated from his mother. After the death of Aria Hannah's father, her mother could not bear the pressure of life and chose to remarry, and Aria Hannah had to live with her father's other wife, Al Khalifa.

Although Al Khalifa was not related to bin Laden by blood, the two were very closely linked. However, since bin Laden embarked on an anti-American path, the number of contacts with Al Khalifa has gradually decreased.

Al Khalifa said in an interview with reporters that after the 9/11 incident, bin Laden cut off all contact with her.

Al Khalifa, who has played an important role in bin Laden's upbringing, said: "As a mother, I still love him and pray for him to be safe. However, I don't agree with him. I pray that Allah God will lead him back on the right path. ”

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > bin Laden's wife and children</h1>

Saudi Arabians often say that bin Laden is very similar to his father. Bin Laden's similarity with his father is reflected in his indomitable personality, but also in his obsession with women.

For bin Laden, divorce is a simple thing, and a sentence of "I'm going to leave you" is enough for bin Laden to have a new relationship.

Bin Laden had a lifetime wife of 22 and 54 children. In fact, the 22 are only rough categories, and how many unexposed lovers bin Laden has, people cannot verify.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Bin Laden has always treated his wife casually, and the phenomenon of "marrying his wife in the morning and divorcing his wife at night" has become the norm. Bin Laden is almost obsessed with beautiful women, and most of the staff around him have the beauty of sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon and shy flowers, and even breaking out "office romance" with bin Laden from time to time. Bin Laden's more than 50 children, several of whom are the "crystallization" of bin Laden and his secretary.

At the age of 17, bin Laden married his first wife, Navar. Nawal is Syrian and was only 13 years old when he married bin Laden. Even though he and bin Laden have become husband and wife, Navar still puts himself in a very low position.

After Navar's son was born, he cried out because he was thirsty, so Navar took a spoon and fed his son water. The son kept struggling, but there was very little water to drink.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Bin Laden's sister-in-law, Carmen, gave Navar a bottle, but Navar politely refused, saying, "Bin Laden doesn't allow us to use anything synthetic, including a pacifier." Because it's against our faith. ”

Bin Laden, a paranoid religious, always put faith first, even ignoring the lives and health of his children.

The 9/11 incident was the craziest thing bin Laden did in the eyes of the people of the world. And the American media once said that the purpose of bin Laden's launch of 911 was to avenge his own women.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

The women in Saudi Arabia were heavily regulated, and Navar was dressed in black robes, arousing the curiosity of the passengers on the plane, several of whom even walked directly in front of Nawar and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Bin Laden has a strong machismo, he cannot tolerate other people making insulting moves toward his wife, and anger against Americans has risen to unprecedented heights.

Anger against americans continued to build up, culminating in the outbreak of 9/11.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

In 1956, bin Laden met Aria Ganim and the two fell in love. The year she married bin Laden, Alia Ganim was only 14 years old, but had become bin Laden's fourth wife.

In other words, Aliya Ganim was only a concubine from beginning to end, but became a prisoner of the bin Laden family's discipline. In 1958, Aaliyah Ghanim gave birth to a child.

Initially, bin Laden had high hopes for the child, so he named it Osama, which means lion. Osama spent 6 months with bin Laden on a trip to Medina where he spent his youth with other siblings.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Osama has always had mixed feelings about bin Laden. Like a company, bin Laden assigns tasks to each wife, each of whom performs their duties and awaits bin Laden's favor.

As for Osama and others, they rarely met their father. Osama once recalled: "On Muslim holidays, he would kiss the children and then give each of them a gold coin; other times he rarely spoke to the children." ”

When bin Laden comes home, he always calls the children to the office first, examines them, and the children either please him or avoid him.

Similar to bin Laden's relationship with his wife, it is not surprising that bin Laden and his children have always been inseparable. For bin Laden, he is undoubtedly proud to have so many children, saying, "I have raised 25 sons for jihad." ”

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > the fugitive life of the Bin Laden family</h1>

After 9/11, bin Laden was wanted by the United States, and some members of the bin Laden family had to take refuge in the mountains of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, one of bin Laden's wives, six children and 11 grandchildren took refuge in Iran.

Over the past few years, the whereabouts of the rest of bin Laden's family have become a hot topic of discussion, and as time goes by, more and more wandering wives and children of bin Laden are found, scattered in syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Iran, and their lives are very difficult.

In 2002, one of bin Laden's wives, Amal, told reporters about her years of fugitive life. After the 9/11 incident, Amal rushed to Afghanistan and spent two months in a cave.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Subsequently, Amal was found by bin Laden's sons, who followed a large army to Pakistan. With the help of the Pakistani government, Amal returned to his hometown of Yemen with his daughter, and after living in Yemen for a while, Amal fled again, and his whereabouts are still unknown...

In 2009, bin Laden's son was finally freed and headed to Syria after eight years of detention by the Iranian government. A few months later, bin Laden's daughter, Iman, also escaped control and returned to Syria.

In 2011, bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

Before his death, bin Laden sent his family to safety, with two of his wives placed in Muslim-controlled areas of Kashmir, Filipino wives returning to the Philippines, and the rest continuing to flee. After bin Laden was killed, the U.S. military captured his three wives and held them in Pakistan.

More interestingly, bin Laden has been a staunch anti-American throughout his life, while his niece, Wafah, is a Trump supporter.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

When Trump was still arguing with Biden, Wafah publicly praised Trump, describing him as a man with determination and perseverance.

Wafah also declared: "He must be re-elected, which is crucial to the future of the United States and western civilization as a whole!" ”

Nowadays, even though the women of the Bin Laden family have lived in bin Laden's shadow all their lives, not everyone is like him, and bin Laden can control the behavior and life of all the women of the family, and the only thing that cannot be controlled is their thoughts.

Laden family women: as many as 22 wives, "marrying in the morning, divorcing at night" has become the norm "paranoid" life bin Laden's mothers, laden's wives and children Bin Laden's family's fugitive life

The women of the Bin Laden family, in the giants, have never experienced the happiness of the giants.

They became slaves to men, victims of war, and now that bin Laden has lost power, they have become outlaws. The woman who chose to become bin Laden has become the sadness of their lives.

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