
Breast milk is light in color and not nutritious? 6 months to wean, the right time, parents do not make a mistake

Hello everyone, I am the new second child mother Xiaoyan.

Breast milk is light in color and not nutritious? 6 months to wean, the right time, parents do not make a mistake

Breastfeeding is good for all to see, not only contains more than 400 kinds of nutrients, of which more than 100 are artificial can not be synthesized, nutrients will continue to change with the needs of the baby; but also enhance the feelings of mother and child, improve the baby's immunity, and promote the mother's postpartum recovery.

As Dabao's mother who breastfeeds to one and a half years old, Erbao naturally continues to breastfeed. Even if I experienced breast pain, RT cracking, etc. again, I would endure torture to give them the best.

Because I had given birth to two babies, jingfang, a graduate student, called me for help: "Is there no nutrition in the color of breast milk?" The mother-in-law thinks that the baby is thin because the breast milk is not nutritious, and has always let me wean off breast milk, saying that the color has turned white, where is there any nutrition? ”

Because she is a new mother, Jingfang can breastfeed and has also experienced a lot of suffering, three times twice of mastitis, still trying to give the baby the first bite of golden colostrum, can only sigh that maternal love is really great!

Breast milk is light in color and not nutritious? 6 months to wean, the right time, parents do not make a mistake

Unexpectedly, because the baby is not white and fat, the old man feels that the child's nutrition is not enough, because the breast milk of the classmates is not nutritious, and always secretly adds milk powder to the baby.

I can only comfort and comfort Jingfang, let her take her mother-in-law to the hospital with her mother-in-law when she returns to visit 42 days after giving birth, the old people think traditionally, generally do not want to listen to the younger generation, but mostly listen to the doctor's words. Sure enough, after seeing the doctor, the baby grew and developed very well, and Jingfang's mother-in-law was taught a lesson by the doctor and went home to no longer shout that breast milk was not nutritious.

The light color of breast milk does not mean that there is no nutrition

The book "Heidi Parenting Encyclopedia" preaches that colostrum is liquid gold, is a viscous yellow liquid, because it is rich in antibodies and white blood cells, can stimulate the newborn's own immune system to produce antibodies, but also cover the baby's intestines, effectively prevent harmful bacteria from invading the baby's incomplete digestive system, prevent allergies and indigestion, promote fetal stool discharge, reduce the occurrence of neonatal jaundice.

Milk is divided into colostrum, transitional milk and mature milk. Colostrum is a viscous liquid gold, which is more precious; transitional milk is 7-14 days after childbirth; mature milk is 15 days after childbirth, and the nutritional composition of milk is different at different stages of the baby.

As your baby really grows up, the breast milk gradually changes from yellow to a thin white liquid. At this time, breast milk has less immunoglobulins and proteins than colostrum, but contains more lactose, fat and calories, and is rich in fats and other nutrients that your baby needs to grow and develop.

Breast milk is light in color and not nutritious? 6 months to wean, the right time, parents do not make a mistake

Therefore, the color of breast milk becomes lighter and thinner, which does not mean that breast milk has no nutrition, this is the setting of nature, and it is the result of the nutritional composition of breast milk as the baby grows and develops.

The color of breast milk is lighter because the milk is divided into pre-milk and post-milk, the front milk is a thirst quencher, and the back milk is fat and nutrition to ensure that the baby is not hungry. If you only eat pre-milk and do not eat post-milk, your baby will not have enough to eat and will be malnourished. Moms should breastfeed longer, it may take 45 minutes at first, and as the baby grows older, the time can be gradually reduced to 15 minutes.

It is best to end the lactation time when the baby releases the RT on his own. If your baby sleeps with RT, we can judge it based on how often your baby sucks and swallows. When your baby sucks 4 times and swallows once, you can end breastfeeding.

Breast milk is not nutritious for six months after childbirth, to be weaned?

Many people see that the baby will add complementary foods after six months, and they think that breast milk has no nutrition and should be weaned to eat, which is actually not right.

The book "Heidi Parenting Encyclopedia" preaches that the nutritional composition of breast milk will change with the needs of children, the hours are different, and the mother's breast milk composition is also different to meet the different needs of the baby at different times.

The addition of complementary foods in the sixth month after childbirth, on the one hand, is because some additional nutrients such as iron need to be added to prevent the baby from anemia; on the other hand, it is to exercise the baby's chewing ability to prevent affecting the baby's teeth development. Complementary food is to tell our parents that this is only auxiliary, breast milk or milk is the Lord.

Why can't wean after 6 months and replace it with complementary foods? Because the baby's kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract are not yet fully developed, liquid or solid foods are still a burden on the baby's delicate liver and stomach. Breast milk also contains nutrients that are not found in complementary foods.

Therefore, the baby should be given complementary food at 6 months after childbirth, but it does not mean that the breast milk is not nutritious, but the baby should continue to be breastfed, and it is best to stick to 2 years old.

How to judge whether breast milk has nutrition 1, whether the mother's milk is good or not, the baby's response is the most intuitive reactor.

If the baby is able to sleep satisfactorily for 2 hours after eating;

Gain 25g of body weight per day, that is, increase 720-750g in the first month, and increase 600-800g in 2-6 months;

Three days after birth, urinate 6-8 times a day and stool 2-5 times a day, which means that the baby eats well.

2, the simplest way to assess is the growth curve, to see if the baby grows well.

The so-called growth curve integrates the baby's weight, height, head circumference and symmetry measured at different months of age into 4 curves, so as to intuitively understand the baby's growth and development.

Breast milk is light in color and not nutritious? 6 months to wean, the right time, parents do not make a mistake

For example, newborns in Shanghai have to go to the community health center every month for physical examinations to measure the baby's height, weight, and head circumference to determine whether the baby is malnourished. We can ask the doctor during the baby's physical examination, if the baby's growth curve grows steadily in the normal range, the baby's development is good; if the curve is suddenly tilted upward or does not increase, it may be stunted.

3. A balanced diet to improve the quality of breast milk

If mom's milk is not good, the family can supplement their nutrition through a balanced diet.

Chen Hao revealed in the program that because breastfeeding should ensure nutrition, she drank five bowls of chicken soup every day, and ate 70 chickens during lactation, even if she was fat and had no image, but she felt that it was worth it to see the baby eating satisfied.

Breast milk is light in color and not nutritious? 6 months to wean, the right time, parents do not make a mistake

Therefore, it is best for postpartum mothers to eat a balanced diet to ensure the nutrition of breast milk. Within two weeks of production, it is best to add milk, vegetarian soup such as loofah egg soup, tomato egg soup, etc., in case the oil and water are too large to block the milk. In the 3 weeks after childbirth, we can gradually add meat dishes such as fish and chicken, and dietary fiber and fruits also need to be supplemented in an appropriate amount, so as to give mothers a comprehensive nutritional content and improve the quality of breast milk.

To put it bluntly, it is to eat more protein, such as lean meat, fish and shrimp liver, soy products, etc.; soup and water should be drunk more to ensure comprehensive nutrition; the baby should suck more, and the baby's sucking is the best milk artifact.

Write at the end

The goodness of breastfeeding is well known, but the pain of breastfeeding can only be understood if you have experienced it!

As moms, the best gift we can give our baby is breastfeeding. But not every mother will breastfeed smoothly, milk swell, milk blockage, RT cracking, mastitis, etc., will test the mother's heart. If the family questions whether breast milk is nutritious again, it will undoubtedly make it worse, so that mothers have less confidence in breastfeeding.

And the best gift we can give to breastfeeding mothers is understanding, trust, companionship and freedom. When the mother wants to breastfeed is the mother's freedom, the mother decides! What do you think?

When do you think breastfeeding should end? Welcome to leave a message to communicate.

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