
Amazing! This group of junior high school students' Song Ci imitation is super wonderful

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Jin Dan Dan Correspondent Qian Jiaqin

The new section of this year's Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference, "Famous Teachers Observation Group", invited famous chinese teachers from all over the province as observers of famous teachers to guide students to learn poetry.

In the last issue, Teacher Wang Yangjun from Dinglan Experimental Middle School in Hangzhou invited students to imitate the Song Ci together.

Teacher Wang's Chinese classroom is very vivid and interesting, very creative, and the teaching design of "not taking the usual way" has been widely borrowed and imitated by secondary school classrooms across the country. He is also the creator of the well-known educational short video account "Language Landscape", with nearly 7 million fans on Douyin and 20 million likes.

Teacher Wang said that imitation is a shortcut to writing and practicing penmanship. He shared two poems from the second volume of the ninth grade Chinese textbook, Xingxiangzi (Northern Song Dynasty, Qin Guan) and "Ugly Slave, Shubo Shan Dao Zhongbi" (Southern Song Dynasty, Xin Renjie). "These two words, I think, are the best models for students to create ancient words. Smart you, but also play your talents, choose one of the imitations. The content is suitable for life, and can express its true feelings; the form rhymes at the end of the sentence, and it does not matter. ”

Seeing Teacher Wang's imitation invitation, the students rubbed their fists one by one, let's take a look at the wonderful imitation of the students of Dinglan Experimental Middle School in Hangzhou.

Amazing! This group of junior high school students' Song Ci imitation is super wonderful

"XingXiangzi" is copied

Line kako

901 Ni Rui

The river surrounds the village, and the trees are full of hills. Look at the fields, infinite hope.

Farmers work, and everything grows. There is rice sorghum fertilizer, melon and fruit aroma, cattle and sheep strong.

Gushing qiantang, rolling river. Gather cloud business, the economy set sail.

Next to the Lotus Hall, win glory for the country. It is a strong country, Huaxia Chang, and a rich Wanjiang.

901 Jen dingyi

Flowers are full of twigs, and the moon reflects Stony Brook. Strange and energetic.

In the fields at night, there are butterfly dances, fireflies flashing, and summer cicadas chanting.

Far away from the white root, the hidden heron. Drink clear tea and swim in the crab leaf.

The sun is thin in the west mountains, the scenery is beautiful, the sang zi mao, the zi zhen qing, the teenager rests.

901 Wu Ruolan

Clouds surround the mountain, and the sunset illuminates the pavilion. Eagles ride the wind and soar freely.

The milky way is vast, overflowing with starlight. There are stars shining, red luans shining, and purple micro-hidden.

The underworld of yin and yin, the miserable and cruel god. Meng Po Soup, by the Nai River Bridge.

Black and white are impermanent, hooking people's souls. When the other shore opens, cross the forgotten river, forget the three lives.

901 Meng Yu

Wooden detour, flowers full of creeks. Spring breeze, full of eyes.

Looking back, the Iraqis were beside them. There are past marriages, this life, and future loves.

Water falls on the leaves, sporadically. See rain marks, floating clouds towards the dew.

The stars are gone, and the green mountains are gone. But think of this time, the old man, the way of the coming.

Kako Yukiko Shōryū

902 Shen Chuxi

The night is full of stars, and the moon shines forever. Under the lights, the pen is exciting.

A few small cases, volumes of books. There is no heart, no impatience, and no ambition.

The sun sinks in the west, and the sunset is in Aoka. On the runway, sweat soaked in clothes.

Leaning over, the dream is ahead. Positive spirits, young man, young man.

Kako Kako' elegy of the years

902 Li Yuxuan

The east wind rolls the sun, and the cicadas chirp in the clouds. With fallen leaves, residual shadows floating snow.

The four seasons flow and stand still. Read all things are born, read a thousand times, a hundred intestines.

Passing the eye to die, now Mu Chaoyang. Save the years, just like the smoke and rain.

Memories are soaked and collected. Remember the dream Ofanke, a yellow sorghum, a grow.

Row Kako Broken Bridge Night Tour

911 Blue Sky Ying

The blue boats are flooded, and the green mountains look at each other. The sky was out of color and the moonlight was slightly cold.

Looking at the fence from afar, the spark is shining. No sand birds fly, brocade scales jump, good companions.

The broken bridge was broken, and people gathered and scattered. Although it is winter, I still love Gangnam.

Thin clothes, swim by the lake. It is green silk chaos, the heart is difficult to return, empty sigh.

911 Gu Zhouliang

The wind meets the mountain, and the shore stops at the ship. Ripples, cups in the air.

After several years under the pavilion, there is no return. Fu Qingsi sighed, the moon was broken, and the eyes were waving.

Fresh clothes angry horses, drunkenly picking lamps. On the high city, the lights are dimmed.

The rivers and lakes are waving, and the lights are every king. Laughing at the spring breeze, green clothes, the original heart.

911 Chen Yihan

Stealing leisure and cheating time. Daylight sleeps, black clouds fill the sky.

Rain hit the window sills, and it was inevitable. The hate moon is still broken, the wind is cold, and no one talks about it.

The years do not return, nor is it xiaoran. The sky is blue, and the heart is no longer bothered.

Rain falls on the riverbank, pottery is easy to appear. May the moon be full, the wind warm, and some people hope.

Xing Xiangzi He China

908 Wang Extraordinary

The sky is long, the moon is clear. Ride the evening wind and the stargates are wide open.

The territory is boundless, and the glory is stained. There are heavenly phoenixes, rooster dances, and giant dragons.

The sun is reckless and the ocean is looming. Flying red flag, next to the Great Wall.

Thousands of miles of mountains, looking at the city beams. The national anthem sounds, the people fly, the Chinese light.

908 Wang Pan Kexin

The autumn moon arcs and falls in autumn. Looking at the west mountain, full of autumn martyrdom.

There are few courtyards, and it is already autumn long. Autumn grass is sloppy, autumn leaves fall, autumn flowers are away.

Far away from the village, twilight pavilion. Overlooking the West Stream, autumn is dense.

Chance ride, sit in the pavilion and look forward. Autumn geese fly, bitter butterfly sets, sub-rules cry.

Yukako Morning reads old books with Flowers

908 Zhou Shaoyang

The morning fog is misty and the river tide is fierce. The sun rises and the sunflowers head east.

Turning to old books alone, it seems to understand non-understanding. Look at the empty alley, the house empty, and the heart empty.

The sun stains the sky, and the morning dew clangs. The fog has dissipated, and a flower is in it.

Excited, chanting to the flowers. See the sky is red, the flowers are also red, the face is also red.

908 Bowen Yang

Rain twists the shimmer, the wind kisses the begonias, waiting for the Yi people, plain clothes wandering.

When the return date is, they look at each other for a long time. The flowers are like drunkenness, the lights are like friends, and the moon is like frost.

Crane tour is sunny, autumn is full of flowers, drinking returns, sleeves wet two lines.

Bring the wine to the moon and enjoy it all night. The old times have passed, the present times have come, and the time has come.

908 Dong Yue

Light shines through the treetops, next to the branches of birds. Greet the heavy rain and show off.

Youth is confused, where is the road. Sigh the height of the mountains, the length of the water, and the vastness of the people.

The fields are green with grass, running wildly. Still young, why wander?

Life is long and still on the way. Look at the top of the mountain, the end of the water, the madness of man.

908 Jin Yincheng

The stars shine and the morning fog is confused. On ideals, where to look?

The campus is a few, and the books are loud. Recite the pre-Qin Fu, Li Dushi, and the Hundred Family Phases.

Far away from the school wall, hidden in the school. Sprinkle youth, small desk.

When the years pass, look at the present dynasty. Fortunately, I work hard, I study hard, and I am busy with my studies.

Kako Homesickness

812 Shen Xin

Clouds surround the mountains, the sun is weeping desert. Drag the tired horse, be ambitious.

Return to the geese at a few points, into the sky. Jump long rivers, wide rivers turbulence, township rivers pass away.

Smoke everywhere, eyes desolate. Slash the cold sword, the blood is hard to ice.

But there is sadness, back to the heavens. Thinking of the old, the people are gone, and the hometown is old.

Xing Xiangzi and Farmers are busy and miscellaneous

812 Wu Zinuo

The sun is red and the wind is blowing wheat waves. Take advantage of the slanting sun and enjoy it leisurely.

A few bunches of straw people, guarding the grain Fukang. See rice yellow, rice stalk long, rice flower fragrance.

Wisps of cooking smoke, shallow lakes and ponds, looking out the door, sweating through the clothes.

The rice rushed through the intestines and caught up with the harvest. Cut with a knife, bag, shoulder.

Xingxiangzi Swallow character nangui

811 Check fog hidden

Yan zi returned to the south, and Qiongfang fell to pieces. Listen to the wind and rain, time is dark.

The clouds sail monthly transport, the boat moves to the shore. Ride the wind north, overlook Xuanyuan, and see the green mountains.

The country is like a brocade, full of ink. Look at tomorrow, pen arrow book bow.

How dare my generation, after all the people! Not far away, step by step, look at the present dynasty.

811 Yu Xin

The car roared, and the night wandered. Sleep in the middle of the road, where to go.

The sac is relieved, and the rest of the year is still young. But it is said that today, childhood returns, time slips.

Snuggle up with a glass of wine, a few spring and autumn. The ancients relied on it, and they were worried.

I am afraid that the next day, I will also be in the same stream. Sending Rui to the disaster, looking forward to the future, looking at the heavy hills.

Yukako Yumeri wakes up

Lin Xuan, 811st floor

Rock moat, green full of Hua Wu, Ju Aozang, Immortal Edge is slim.

The sky is high, the sun, the moon and the stars. Leave a hundred stones steep, a thousand mountains steep, ten thousand dust.

Slight singing, faint tea fragrance, sigh hua dream, Qun Yu Ge on.

When to be happy, laugh out of the wine. The sound of the book is hidden, the singing is not, and the wind is sounding.

Xingxiangzi reform and opening up

812 Chen Junze

Forty years ago, society changed. Swing a big pen, reform and opening up.

National unity, decisive victory over the well-off. Enterprises should be alive, the people should be rich, and the country should be strong.

Forty years have passed, and the glory has reappeared. Raise the red flag and build a dream on the road.

The tall buildings are scaled and the roads lead in all directions. See Mosquito Dragon Dive, Beidou Lian, Dongfeng Hang.

Yukako Linnian

812 Zhang Yihui

100 days of idleness, the clouds. Happy family, red letter couplet.

Cooking smoke wafts and rice firewood piles up. Just solicit customers, laugh and talk, boo warm.

Wandering in the middle of the night, the moon is hanging. Fireworks burned, sighs and splendors.

Walk home late and leave traces of snow. See the window flowers condensed, water vapor, dumpling incense.

804 Dai Xuanyang

Leaves fall on the eaves, and the wind scatters cooking smoke. Picking mulberry fields, poetry is gushing to see.

The farmland is a few hectares, and the harvest is unlimited. There are herbs, osmanthus flowers, wildflowers.

The car is noisy, and the building is cloudy. Enter the campus and the sound of books is pleasant.

The town is miles away, and the people are dense. Ren is noisy, old and smiling, and the teenager is proud.

"Ugly Slave" is copied

Ugly slave · a model exam

902 Wei Hanlin

Before the test, the teenager was full of pride and prided himself. Boasting of being arrogant, he disdains to re-walk the front.

Now, I overheard about The Fallen Sun Mountain, and Fang hated few books. Fang hated few books, so he knew that he should study diligently as soon as possible.

Ugly slaves, seek escape

901 Zheng Yuxiang

The youth is sad and unfree, no flowers and no wine. No flowers, no wine, the lone eagle in the cage chirps.

And now he vowed to find a way out, and wrote for the knife. Writing for the knife, the book mountain learns the sea to open the road.

Ugly slave learning

901 weeks set sail

The teenager did not know how to go to school and wanted to move bricks. I want to move bricks and earn some change to have fun.

Now I know that I have good school and am determined to work hard. Determined to work hard, but said"Let's talk about it tomorrow"!

Ugly Slave Drag

911 Cao Chenkai

The bell rang at the end of class, and I suddenly woke up. Suddenly awake, looking out the window at the good scenery.

The teacher told me not to be in a hurry and to talk about it again. Talk about it again, and then listen to the class bell ringing.

Ugly slave doze

911 Chen Yufan

Dozing off during the daytime class, eyelids falling. Eyelids fall, youth pays for water.

Lying down at night to listen to the north wind blow, the spirit is a hundred times greater. A hundred times more energetic, the heart is surging and can't sleep.

Ugly slave who knows the meaning of youth

911 Lü Hao

A new rain entered the late autumn, and the chill remained. The chill is still there, and the flowing water bridge head juvenile tour.

Frost invades rain and condenses into snow, for whom to stay? For whom to stay, the heart is leisurely flowing down the water.

Ugly slave tide

908 Tong Chenfei

Nong Yin raised a pen of money and the river surged, and the shadow was dark and the tide was bright. Shadows are dark and the tide is bright, and rivers can be mountains and seas.

A hundred years of struggle star rudder, carrying the past and the present. Carrying on the past and the present, the wind and rain do not hinder the reform.

Ugly Slave Wing Dong

812 Guo Jinxuan

The snow had fallen all over the bridge, crystal clear. Crystal clear, the mountain becomes steeper after the cold wind.

In winter, there is frost and snow everywhere, and the life is hidden. The vitality is gone, lamenting when will the spring light be?

Ugly slave said year

812 Han Xuefei

Hours do not taste the taste of the year, drums play in unison. Drums play in unison, and dance lights fill the building.

And now that I know the taste of the year, the fireworks are exhausted. The fireworks are over, and only sigh for a long time.

Ugly slaves and food taste return

811 Lin Xinghan

Teenagers do not understand family feelings, only like to eat alone. Only happy to eat alone, happy in the spring light at the beginning of the day.

Now that he knows all his family feelings, he wants to return it, and he wants to return it, but he said, "Heaven and dusk are alone."

Ugly slave

804 Dong Ao

The young man tried to learn to preach filial piety, for unknown reasons. For unknown reasons, I am worried about the dedication of my heart.

Now I feel that my mother is tired, and I want to change and lose it. I wanted to change it and lose it, but I said, "The blue grass is endless."

804 He Yuxuan

When I was young, I didn't know how to read diligently, and I loved to give up halfway. Love is halfway abandoned, and it is tired to learn new knowledge.

Now I am studying diligently and getting up early and greedy. Get up early and greedy, Mo learns "the old man is sad".


Reading the imitation works sent by my classmates, I felt that my blood was boiling. Many people often lament that today's children have increasingly lacked the background of traditional culture, but the collection of works in front of them at this moment is undoubtedly a strong rebuttal. The students imitated the lyrics of "Ugly Slave", starting from their closely related lives and studies, and the tone was light, sometimes somber and sometimes witty, interesting and interesting. Imitating the lyrics of "Xingxiangzi", the content is mostly landscape appreciation, reading aspirations, life sighs, home and country visions, etc., and the literary thinking seems to be like a river rushing, the wording is quaint, and the tone is more sophisticated.

It is said that "if you are familiar with three hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty, you will not be able to compose poems and can also chant", but to learn ancient poems, in addition to being able to "have a poetic and bookish atmosphere in your belly", you must be able to apply what you have learned and put it into writing. Choosing the right work to imitate is undoubtedly a shortcut to the beginning of creation. And this kind of creative output will cause more huge amounts of recitation input.

Comment teacher: Wang Yangjun

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