
Children play with the ice and snow world of grandpa for a day, making the holiday life full of childlike fun, and the Winter Olympics have me

During the holidays, the two children went to the outdoor ice and snow amusement park with their grandfather and grandfather to experience the happy game of close contact with ice and snow.

In the game, Grandpa took pictures, Grandpa protected, bought a snow clipper, rented a ski tire, sat on a flywheel in the snow, I don't know how many falls, the frozen face was red, but still had fun.

Children play with the ice and snow world of grandpa for a day, making the holiday life full of childlike fun, and the Winter Olympics have me

In order to protect the little granddaughter, after running forward, the soles of his feet slipped, which made everyone laugh. The little granddaughter also said that she was Princess Elsa in Frozen, which was so funny.

Grandpa ran with his grandson step by step, worried that he would fall, but the child did not allow Grandpa to stare at himself, saying that you followed me like this, restricted my activities, made me play very unhappy, I wanted to make my own decisions, claiming that I was already a man.

The little man sat on a tire and slid down the high slope, shouting as he slid, "Flash away, dodge away, I'm a ski champion." Sliding down quickly, I didn't expect to rush into the snow pile by the side of the slide, turned into a big snowman, climbed up and shook the snow on my head, and said embarrassedly: "This champion is really not good!" At the Winter Olympics, I want to take a good look at how athletes ski and have a long insight. The sister encourages the brother, you dare to slide down is already great, the brother is an ice warrior.

Lying in the plastic snowball rolling is a game that the sister likes very much, Grandpa helped her lie in it, pushed hard, the sister lay inside with the big snowball rolling, Grandpa followed the run, the grandfather and grandson had a good time.

Although the weather was very cold, the children still played happily against the cold. During this period, there were also a few small children who were tightly managed by their parents, and there was a little girl who wanted to play, but her mother was worried that her clothes were dirty, worried that the child would fall, and worried that other children would hit her child, like a hen guarding the child all the time.

Children play with the ice and snow world of grandpa for a day, making the holiday life full of childlike fun, and the Winter Olympics have me

In the end, the little girl just used a snow clip to play next to it, and from time to time she watched the other children play happily. Because they did not dare to move, they could not stand the cold for a while, and the mother and daughter duo went back.

The little girl kept looking back, very unwilling. The sister said to herself: "She is a little squeamish, the teacher said that children should be brave." It's all to blame for her mom, not letting her play, she's so pathetic. Everyone heard the laughter at first, and then felt that the sister said something very reasonable.

The winter temperature in the north is very low, if you have been shrinking up and dare not move, it will become colder and colder, if you exercise hard for a while, you will be full of heat, not cold at all, but the children's faces are frozen red, and the top of their heads is steaming.

The brother said, "This is called tiger and tiger." This year is the Year of the Tiger, and we are a good sign. Speaking of Beijing to open the Olympic Games, we will first come to a few self-created projects, experience the feeling of the competition in advance, and when the time comes to watch the competition, we will have an immersive feeling and cheer for Chinese athletes! ”

The younger sister heard it and said in a childish voice: "I was Princess Elsa in the ice and snow world for a while today, brother, you are very brave today, and you are also a little prince, the Chinese athletes in the TV will definitely be prince athletes, the prince cannot lose, brother, you are right!" ”

The brother said, "Yes, they must all be brave princes, and they must be the glory of the kings of China." The two children also let Grandpa also experience the feeling of skiing, Grandpa has high blood pressure, but can not resist the temptation, also experienced a hand, when sliding down, the two children quickly stepped forward to pull Grandpa up, Grandpa laughed happily.

Children play with the ice and snow world of grandpa for a day, making the holiday life full of childlike fun, and the Winter Olympics have me

My sister said, "When Grandpa slid down, he didn't dare to open his eyes, and I saw it." Grandpa is a coward" Grandpa said with some embarrassment: "My eyes are fascinated by snow, I am not a coward." Grandpa was busy taking pictures, accidentally fell an ass pier, the pain was too much to stand up, the two children rushed over to pull up Grandpa, looking at Grandpa's awkward appearance, everyone was laughing again.

The Winter Olympics are coming, and the children are celebrating the opening of the Winter Olympics in their own way, which is really fun! I wish the Chinese athletes victory!

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